Search for tag: "ss22"

Board Prep 4-26

+1 More
From  JIT CHM Jit Media 27 plays 0  

4-20 board prep

+1 More
From  JIT CHM Jit Media 9 plays 0  

04.20.2022 Match Town Hall

Zoom Recording ID: 94187121201 UUID: XJzHSPEMTZql7+SVEMll9g== Meeting Time: 2022-04-20 03:45:14pm

From  College of Osteopathic Medicine AP 257 plays 0  

Trauma Surgeon Lecture 4.14.22

+3 More
From  sweitzer 39 plays 0  

TrueLearn COMBank Strategy Session for MSUCOM Students

From  College of Osteopathic Medicine AP 15 plays 0  

OMSP Meeting 3.25.2022

From  College of Osteopathic Medicine AP 54 plays 0  

03.25.2022 2024 Mandatory Semester 7 Orientation

Zoom Recording ID: 95619296012 UUID: 00IeN8ELQrWVQcq943UP3w== Meeting Time: 2022-03-25 12:48:40pm

From  College of Osteopathic Medicine AP 60 plays 0  

Communication IPE: Implicit Bias and Trauma Informed Care

Zoom Recording ID: 94526490367 UUID: WtmDmJWtQ+OfhYF1rClQoA== Meeting Time: 2022-03-21 07:51:05pm

From  College of Osteopathic Medicine AP 19 plays 0  

03.18.2022 Diversity Week: Transgender Health

Zoom Recording ID: 92589945504 UUID: frwTjrSkTVqASdPzlT5F7w== Meeting Time: 2022-03-18 03:45:53pm

From  College of Osteopathic Medicine AP 6 plays 0  

Osteopathic Medical Scholars Program 2.9.22

From  College of Osteopathic Medicine AP 123 plays 0  

Osteopathic Medical Scholars Program 2.9.22

From  sweitzer 8 plays 0  

Osteopathic Medical Scholars Program 2.9.22

From  RecordScheduleGroup 0  

Cranial strain pattern review- bones w axis and phantom hands

From  Lori Dillard 1,970 plays 0  

OST556 (002) - Growth and Development: School-Aged Child

+4 More
From  College of Osteopathic Medicine 1,319 plays 0  

OST552 Documentation of Abnormal Physical Exam Findings

+4 More
From  Jessica Heselschwerdt 924 plays 0