10:59duration 10 minutes 59 seconds
GEO151: Introduction to Language
01:54:08duration 1 hour 54 minutes
CEP 345: Phonology & Phonological Awareness…
CEP 345: Phonology & Phonological Awareness Part 1
02:22:17duration 2 hours 22 minutes
CEP 345: Oral Language Foundations of Literacy…
CEP 345: Oral Language Foundations of Literacy Part 1
39:13duration 39 minutes 13 seconds
Medical Device Labeling
11:41duration 11 minutes 41 seconds
This video introduces students to the lesson, Language.
15:24duration 15 minutes 24 seconds
Week 3 Video 2 - Negations
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/SvL2F2dVPzg
10:15duration 10 minutes 15 seconds
Week 3 Video 3 - Implication Proofs
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/Ow3kSIyPmeY
16:10duration 16 minutes 10 seconds
LaTeX Lesson 01 - MTH 299
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/cLHplPlTbfA
06:55duration 6 minutes 55 seconds
Intro SB
A brief (7 mins) introduction to the various versions of "Sleeping Beauty" you'll be reading this week.
16:51duration 16 minutes 51 seconds
Whitaker Symbolic-Experiential Therapy
Presentation on Carl Whitaker and Symbolic-experiential therapy