MSU Opera Theatre: Mozart’s Magic Flute |…
MSU Opera Theatre: Mozart’s Magic Flute | November 16, 2024, 7:00 PM
Immerse yourself in the timeless enchantment of…
00:52duration 52 seconds
Transforming Theatre Ensemble: Get involved at…
Transforming Theatre Ensemble: Get involved at MSU!
TTE delivers original student plays to create a…
01:31:18duration 1 hour 31 minutes
Ebrahim Alkazi
56:39duration 56 minutes 39 seconds
WNA: Identity, Difference, and Connection: A…
WNA: Identity, Difference, and Connection: A Dialogue & Strategy Sharing Session
Women's Networking Association: Identity,…
03:01duration 3 minutes 1 second
MI341 - Aspect Ratio
01:02duration 1 minute 2 seconds
Ryan Adolph IAH 241D INTRO
Ryan Adolph Introduces himself as TA for IAH 241D…
02:06duration 2 minutes 6 seconds
Oklahoma! Highlight Reel
Oklahoma! at Michigan State University Highlight…