Search for tag: "trunk"
A Holistic Approach to Vine Health, Production and Longevity in a Vineyard SystemFritz Westover: Experienced viticulturist with a BS in horticulture and an MS in Plant Pathology. Notable roles include Virginia Tech’s Viticulture Research- Extension Associate and…
From Esmaeil Nasrollahiazar
9 plays
Balsam Woolly Adelgid and Christmas trees in MichiganSpeaker: Dr. Deborah McCullough, Michigan State University Professor, Forest Entomology Balsam woolly adelgid (BWA) is a serious invasive insect pest that has killed millions of native fir trees in…
From Heidi Lindberg
127 plays
Label Updates and Pest Q&AAs part of the MSUE 2021 Statewide Spring Tree Fruit Webinar Series, John Wise presents 'Label Updates and Pest Q&A'
From Anna Wallis
27 plays