Search for tag: "vm516"

VM 516 Muscles of the head (video presentation)

From  Ioana Sonea 478 plays 0  

VM 516 Muscles and nerves of the crus and LA adaptations (video presentation)

From  Ioana Sonea 838 plays 0  

VM 516 Nerves of the equine brachial plexus (Dissection video)

From  Ioana Sonea 805 plays 0  

VM 516 Intrinsic m of the equine shoulder and brachium (Dissection video)

From  Ioana Sonea 431 plays 0  

VM 516 Lateral and dorsal extrinsic m of the horse forelimb (Dissection video)

From  Ioana Sonea 182 plays 0  

VM 516 Horse forelimb extrinsic m, leg removed from body (Dissection)

From  Ioana Sonea 318 plays 0  

VM 516-Pectoral muscles of the horse (Dissection)

From  Ioana Sonea 323 plays 0  

VM 516-Example presentation for Day 3

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 112 plays 0  

VM 516-Synovial joint capsule and tendon sheaths of the fetlock (dissection video)

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 542 plays 0  

VM 516-Synovial joint dissection and model of joint pouches (dissection video)

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 175 plays 0  

VM 516-Canine hind limb bones (lab) F2021

this is the better version.

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 844 plays 0  

VM 516 Introduction 2021

Introduction to the course F2021

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 138 plays 0  

VM 516-Fresh horse distal forelimb dissection for orientation

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 86 plays 0  

VM 516-Horse distal forelimb fresh dissection shows check lig

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 64 plays 0  

VM 516-Synovial bursae Video

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 638 plays 0  

VM 516-Forelimb bones of the ox Day 1 lab Molly Conley

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 128 plays 0