Search for tag: "wetlands"
GEO 325, Video Microlecture: Unit 06 (Working with Spatial Data), Lesson 05 (Overlays), Video 2Lesson: Overlays, Video 2 Unit: Working with Spatial Data Geography 325: Geographic Information Systems Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences
From Beth Weisenborn
0 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 6th Annual Meeting December 6th, 2023This is a Zoom meeting recording of the 6th Annual Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 6th, 2023. The Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership (MVPP) is a…
From Courtney Ross
109 plays
onGEO-ODIW: FarewellVideo that accompanies the Course Wrap-up and bids farewell to all students in onGEO-ODIW (Interpreting Wetlands & Deepwater Habitats from Aerial Imagery) by Bob Goodwin.
From Beth Weisenborn
1 plays
onGEO-IWDHAI: Course IntroductionVideo that accompanies the Course Introduction and welcomes all students to onGEO-IWDHAI (Interpreting Wetlands & Deepwater Habitats from Aerial Imagery) by Bob Goodwin.
From Beth Weisenborn
4 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 5th Annual Meeting_2022 Dec 7This is a Zoom meeting recording of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 7, 2022. The Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership (MVPP) is a…
From Yu Man Lee
100 plays
MIMN SDO Wetlands Part 2 Lakes and Streams*Michigan Master Naturalist Statewide Digital Overflow Wetlands, Lakes, & Streams Part two of two. Michigan wetlands with William Budnick, PhD. Lakes and streams.
From Beth Clawson
99 plays
MIMN SDO Wetlands Part 1*Michigan Master Naturalist Statewide Digital Overflow Wetlands, Lakes, & Streams Part one of two. Michigan wetlands with William Budnick, PhD.
From Beth Clawson
138 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 4th Annual Meeting_2021Dec7This is a Zoom meeting recording of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 7, 2021. The Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership (MVPP) is a…
From Yu Man Lee
79 plays
Missaukee Wetland ContinuumWatch this short video demonstrating a wetland continuum ("Missaukee Wetland") created by Bob Goodwin, RS&GIS@MSU and narrated by Beth Weisenborn, onGEO@MSU. This video is used in…
From Beth Weisenborn
23 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting_2020Dec3_Part2-PMThis is a Zoom meeting recording (video and audio, Part 2) of the afternoon session of the Annual Partnership Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 3, 2020.
From Yu Man Lee
9 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting_2020Dec 3_Part 1-AMThis is a Zoom meeting recording (video and audio, Part 1) of the morning session of the 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 3, 2020.
From Yu Man Lee
15 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 2nd Annual Partnership Meeting_2019Oct23_Part2This is a Zoom meeting recording (video and audio, Part 2) of the Annual Partnership Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held on October 23, 2019, at the Michigan Tech Research…
From Yu Man Lee
8 plays