Search for tag: "amphibians"

MNP SDO June Herpetology Amphibians*

Michigan Naturalist Program Statewide Digital Overflow 2024: Unit Herpetology: Amphibians with Alexa Warwick, PhD, Michigan State University .

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From  Beth Clawson 33 plays 0  

MIMN SDO Herpetology: Amphibians *

Michigan Master Naturalist Statewide Digital Overflow Herpetology: Amphibians. Alexa Warwick talks about Michigan's Amphibians

From  Beth Clawson 65 plays 0  

Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting_2020Dec3_Part2-PM

This is a Zoom meeting recording (video and audio, Part 2) of the afternoon session of the Annual Partnership Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 3, 2020.

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From  Yu Man Lee 9 plays 0  

Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting_2020Dec 3_Part 1-AM

This is a Zoom meeting recording (video and audio, Part 1) of the morning session of the 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 3, 2020.

+20 More
From  Yu Man Lee 15 plays 0  

Exploring with Scientists: “How do some species avoid extinction?

Join us online with the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary & Kyle Jaynes (Fitzpatrick Lab) to explore Herpetology. Learn about amphibians, reptiles, and conservation. Kyle will describe how he asks the…

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From  Misty Klotz 266 plays 0