Search for tag: "amphibians"
MNP SDO June Herpetology Amphibians*Michigan Naturalist Program Statewide Digital Overflow 2024: Unit Herpetology: Amphibians with Alexa Warwick, PhD, Michigan State University .
From Beth Clawson
33 plays
MIMN SDO Herpetology: Amphibians *Michigan Master Naturalist Statewide Digital Overflow Herpetology: Amphibians. Alexa Warwick talks about Michigan's Amphibians
From Beth Clawson
65 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting_2020Dec3_Part2-PMThis is a Zoom meeting recording (video and audio, Part 2) of the afternoon session of the Annual Partnership Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 3, 2020.
From Yu Man Lee
9 plays
Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership - 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting_2020Dec 3_Part 1-AMThis is a Zoom meeting recording (video and audio, Part 1) of the morning session of the 3rd Annual Partnership Meeting of the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership held virtually on December 3, 2020.
From Yu Man Lee
15 plays
Exploring with Scientists: “How do some species avoid extinction?Join us online with the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary & Kyle Jaynes (Fitzpatrick Lab) to explore Herpetology. Learn about amphibians, reptiles, and conservation. Kyle will describe how he asks the…
From Misty Klotz
266 plays