Search for tag: "ball"

GEO 215, Video Lecture for the Lesson on Rugby

Lesson: Rugby. Unit: Geopolitics & the Diffusion of Sports. Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences

From  Beth Weisenborn 2 plays 0  

GEO331: 6-Canada Culture-Part 2 [last of semester]

From  Juliegh Bookout 4 plays 0  

VM 528-Ruminant placentas and placentomes 2021 (Dissection video)

Day 6 Prep material

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 812 plays 0  

KIN 355 004 Assess_part 2

From  Jill Kochanek 24 plays 0  

Make a Play-Doh Neuron!

From  Valerie Hedges 123 plays 0  

ME 361 Lecture 18

From  Ramin Vahidimoghaddam 65 plays 0  

KIN 355 Motor Learning_part 1

From  Jill Kochanek 56 plays 0  

Applications of Operant Conditioning

From  Lucy Thompson 293 plays 0  


Hypergeometric Probability Model 2

From  Elijah Dikong 172 plays 0  


From  JIT CHM Jit Media 251 plays 0  

NEU 301H- Brielle Miller

From  Brielle Miller 16 plays 0  

Nervous System and Neurons

This video talks about the functions of the nervous systems and neurons. It explains how the different aspects of the nervous system are utilized when throwing and catching a ball.

From  Gary Zhang 197 plays 0  


From  JIT CHM Jit Media 472 plays 0  

Joint Classifications Fall 2020

From  Lindsey Jenny 4,043 plays 0  

VM 535-Lab 1 Reproduction Pathology-Station 06-Penises-Prepuce from a dog, bull and horse

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 614 plays 0  

VM 535-Lab 1 Reproduction Pathology-Station 03-Bull Testicle

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 497 plays 0