Search for tag: "caprine"


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From  College of Veterinary Medicine 4 plays 0  

VM 525-Goat abdomen 6: Internal features of the ruminant stomach by Dr. Nicole Rowley

Forestomach, removed from animal: internal structres. Note: the dorsal and ventral ruminal sacs are abbreviated in the video to "dorsal rumen" and "ventral rumen."

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From  College of Veterinary Medicine 968 plays 0  

VM 525-Goat abdomen 5 - External features of the ruminant stomach by Dr Nicole Rowley

Forestomach, removed from animal: external features.

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From  College of Veterinary Medicine 695 plays 0  

VM 525-Goat abdomen 4: organs on right side of abdomen, deep view by Dr. Nicole Rowley

Deep abdominal structures to the right of midline, seen from the left (rumen removed).

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From  College of Veterinary Medicine 743 plays 0  

VM 525-Goat abdomen 3: topography of the right side. By Dr. Nicole Rowley

Abdominal structures on the right side, abdominal muscles removed.

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From  College of Veterinary Medicine 658 plays 0  

VM 516-Goat abdomen 2: Incision in Right paralumbar fossa to expose organs in right flank by Dr. Nicole Rowley

Surgical incision in the right paralumbar fossa: structures exposed.

+26 More
From  College of Veterinary Medicine 689 plays 0  

VM 516-Goat; removal of the skin; cutaneous trunci Dissection video (goat) Dr. Nicole Rowley

From  College of Veterinary Medicine 312 plays 0  

VM 516-Superficial extrinsic muscles of the forelimb Dissection video (goat) Dr. Nicole Rowley

From  College of Veterinary Medicine 199 plays 0  

VM 516-Pectoral muscles Dissection video (goat)

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From  College of Veterinary Medicine 168 plays 0  

VM 516-Deeper extrinsic muscles of forelimb Dissection video (goat) Dr. Nicole Rowley

From  College of Veterinary Medicine 284 plays 0  

VM 516-Goat; Muscles deep to scapula

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 131 plays 0