Search for tag: "chemistry"

Investigate Beer’s Law with Go Direct® SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer

The Go Direct SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer quickly measures a full spectrum. Common spectroscopy experiments include understanding Beer's law to determine the concentration of an unknown…

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From  Elizabeth Hedgecock 24 plays 0  

How to Dilute with a Volumetric Flask

How to use a volumetric flask to dilute a concentrated solution.

+14 More
From  Elizabeth Hedgecock 8 plays 0  

How to use Serological Pipets

For more information, visit This video demonstrates the proper use of three common types of pipet pumps — tri-valve, syringe, and electronic —…

+22 More
From  Elizabeth Hedgecock 23 plays 0  

GTA Role_ What to expect_ Recitation Leader

+19 More
From  Stefanie Baier 5 plays 0  

CEM 251 Final Review_Monique

Summer_Final review for part I organic chemistry course for non-chemistry majors.

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From  Monique Nidra Noel 54 plays 0  

How to Find Full-text Articles from SciFinderⁿ and Reaxys

This video shows users how to identify citation information in SciFinderⁿ and Reaxys and find the corresponding full-text article through MSU Libraries.

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From  Erika Teresa Weir 194 plays 0  

Why I Love Briggs - Sara Hak

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From  Sarah Albani 122 plays 0  

4-H Science: What Message? Disappearing Ink

Look out 007! There are some new agents in town and they've got mad STEM skills! In this episode of 4-H Clover Talk, we're going to show you how to make secret messages that written in…

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From  Aaron Myers 4 plays 0  

4-H Science: Hot Hands or How to Craft a Handwarmer

It's the one bit of hunting gear that can get you through the frosty November days spent out in the woods. But how do they work? Well, we're going to get our STEM on and show everyone how…

+3 More
From  Aaron Myers 4 plays 0  

Other Pollutants of Water

Other Pollutants of Water

+16 More
From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 10 plays 0  

Principles of Water Quality

Principles of Water Quality

+20 More
From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 16 plays 0  


From  Amanda Charbonneau 204 plays 0  


From  Amanda Charbonneau 80 plays 0  


From  Amanda Charbonneau 54 plays 0  


From  Amanda Charbonneau 68 plays 0  


From  pblhlth Program in Public Health 0 plays 0