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Kevin Markle and Dale Kim about government subsidies and tax misconductZoom Recording ID: 4048177291 UUID: e/w8QuCPTvWjIGT8OBfuJg== Meeting Time: 2024-12-04 06:25:41pmGMT
From Kevin Markle
2 plays
Farm Financial Wellbeing WorksheetIn this video, MSUE farm business management educator Florencia Colella provides a walkthrough across a sample farm financial wellbeing worksheet. This material is based upon work that is supported…
From Florencia Colella
1 plays
Colloquium - MichaÅ‚ DereziÅ„ski - October 3, 2024Speaker: MichaÅ‚ DereziÅ„ski, University of Michigan Title: Solving Large Linear Systems Without Constructing a Preconditioner Date/Time: Thursday, October 3, 2024, 10:20 AM - 11:10 AM ETAbstract:…
From stt MSU Department of Statistics and Probability
22 plays
MBA 802 Class 7 - 14:20Zoom Recording ID: 97774042463 UUID: b82WJq+uTBqcEel5tlDEuw== Meeting Time: 2024-09-18 04:39:38pmGMT
From Kevin Markle
17 plays
MBA 802 Class 7 - 12:40Zoom Recording ID: 97774042463 UUID: b82WJq+uTBqcEel5tlDEuw== Meeting Time: 2024-09-18 04:39:38pmGMT
From Kevin Markle
12 plays
MBA 802 - Class 4 - 14:20Zoom Recording ID: 97774042463 UUID: hBbLvld4RiifkNkbtiyc3w== Meeting Time: 2024-09-09 04:38:52pmGMT
From Kevin Markle
10 plays
ACC 202 - CH 1 - Concept 2Describe the importance of ethics in business and the framework of Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
From Bruce Bettinghaus
27 plays