Search for tag: "crisis"
D2.5.3. Environmental Justice: Jennifer Carrera - Michigan State UniversitySession 3: Tools to Address Environmental Justice Gaps National PFAS Conference Monday June 10, 2024
From Courtney Carignan
5 plays
Resources and Support for Crisis CollectingThe Society of American Archivists' Crisis, Disaster, and Tragedy Response Working Group (CDTRWG) works to provide support and connections for empathetic, ethical, and sustainable collecting or…
From Meredith Hale
2 plays
Finding articles - social mediaUsing MSU Libraries website to find articles about the social media crisis
From Kathleen Weessies
18 plays
Recognizing Signs of Stress and Distress RecordingAs a supervisor, it’s important for you to be able to recognize signs of stress and distress in your employees. Picking up on those signals can allow you to respond quickly and…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
30 plays
Unpacking the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Two-Spirits Crisis - Women*s History Month 2022Graduate student Michaela Allen-Sanchez (she/they) unpacks the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Two-Spirits Crisis, then leads discussion amongst session attendees. Sponsored by Women*s…
From Gabby Wahla
70 plays
Suicide Part 3PSY 280 (Abnormal Psychology) Corbin J. Standley, M.A. - Teaching Assistant
From Corbin Standley
213 plays
Suicide Part 2PSY 280 (Abnormal Psychology) Corbin J. Standley, M.A. - Teaching Assistant
From Corbin Standley
242 plays