Search for tag: "crop production"

Managing Crop Height

MSU Professor Emeritus Royal Heins discusses the history of DIF, which is the temperature difference between the day and night, and how it can be used to manage plant height of floriculture crops…

From  Erik S Runkle 271 plays 0  

Fertilizer basics Feb 21 2018

Michigan State University Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series February 21, 2018 "Getting started with fertilizer basics" George Silva, MSU Extension Sr. Educator 62 minutes…

From  James D Isleib 454 plays 0  

Crop nutrient management April 3, 2017

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with crop nutrient management" April 3, 2017 Presenter: Jim Isleib, MSU Extension Educator Topics include: …

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From  James D Isleib 284 plays 0