Search for tag: "beginning farmers"

Map of Beginning Farmer Resources

Map of Michigan Beginning Farmer Resources This interactive map lists over 70 resources for beginning farmers in Michigan! View the map or visit for more info.…

From  Katie Brandt 207 plays 0  

Hobby or Commercial Farming

This video gives insight into some tax differences between hobby and commercial farming. For more information, contact Florencia Colella at or 231-224-6439. You may turn on…

From  Florencia Colella 32 plays 0  

Downloading or printing the Farm Records Book for Management

The Farm Records Book for management is a free tool to keep track of your farm income and expenses that you may use on paper, Excel or Google Sheets. It also lets you keep track of labor payments,…

From  Florencia Colella 58 plays 0  

Fertilizer basics Feb 21 2018

Michigan State University Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series February 21, 2018 "Getting started with fertilizer basics" George Silva, MSU Extension Sr. Educator 62 minutes…

From  James D Isleib 454 plays 0  

Organic matter basics Feb 14 2018

Michigan State University Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series February 14, 2018 "Getting started with organic matter basics" Dr. Sieglinde Snapp and Vicki Morrone 74 minutes …

From  James D Isleib 191 plays 0  

Blueberries March 27 2017

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with blueberries" March 27, 2017 Presenter: Mark Longstroth, Extension Educator This webinar provides a review of…

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From  James D Isleib 1,635 plays 0  

Fencing and watering systems for livestock March 13, 2017

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with fencing and watering systems for livestock" March 13, 2017 Presenters: Jerry Lindquist and Kevin Gould A good…

+18 More
From  James D Isleib 651 plays 0  

Maple Syrup Feb 27, 2017

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with maple syryp" February 27, 2017 Presenters: Bob, Sue and Addy Battel, Battel Sugar Bush, Cass City, MI For those…

+15 More
From  James D Isleib 354 plays 0  

Business planning and financial readiness

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with business planning and financial readiness" Date: May 2, 2016 Presenter: Jeremy Moghtader, MSU Student Organic…

From  James D Isleib 659 plays 0  

Selecting a tractor for your small farm

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with selecting a tractor for your small farm" Date: April 27, 2016 Presenter: Fred Springborn, MSU Extension field…

From  James D Isleib 212 plays 0  

Irrigation on small farms

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with irrigation on small farms" Date: April 20, 2016 Presenters: Dr. Steve Miller, MSU Dept of Biosystems and…

+23 More
From  James D Isleib 379 plays 0  

Specialty cut flower production and handling

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with specialty cut flower production and handling" Date: April 18, 2016 Presenter: Dr. Roberto Lopez, MSU…

+21 More
From  James D Isleib 817 plays 0  

The Food Safety Modernization Act What you need to do

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Series "Getting started with the Food Safety Modernization Act: What you need to do" Presenter: Phil Tocco, MSU Extension educator Host: Jim…

From  James D Isleib 78 plays 0  

Compost production and use for the small and mid-sized farm

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with compost production and use for the small and mid-sized farm" Date: April 13, 2016 Presenter: Dr. John…

From  James D Isleib 913 plays 0  

Hay Production

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with hay production" Date: April 11, 2016 Presenter: Dr. Kim Cassida, MSU Forage Extension Specialist, Host: …

+19 More
From  James D Isleib 715 plays 0  

Insect morphology

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with basics of insect morphology" Date: April 4, 2016 Presenter: Dr. Chris DiFonzo, MSU Field Crop Entolomogist, Dept…

From  James D Isleib 216 plays 0