Search for tag: "fruits"

Laurie Messing - Preserving MI Harvest

From  Laurie Messing 16 plays 0  

Part 2 Farmer Workshop: Bringing the Farm to Early Care and Education

From  Mariel Borgman 8 plays 0  

Adult Caregiver Employee Resource Group: Simple Solutions to Maintain Your Health

Learning ObjectivesThe 4 food groups Snacking & the four food groups Simple Solutions Chair exercises

From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 11 plays 0  

Leveraging the fresh produce consumer

Zoom Recording ID: 91464225080 UUID: 0N4JJwfMTtmsyvVM2Am7DA== Meeting Time: 2023-01-12 04:30:25pmGMT

From  Benjamin Werling 44 plays 0  

Module 14 - Cancer

Module 14 - Cancer

From  Lydia Merritt 11 plays 0  

Module 13 - Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes

Module 13 - Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes

From  Lydia Merritt 8 plays 0  

KIN 355 004 NutritionSchools_part2

From  Jill Kochanek 23 plays 0  

Label Updates and Pest Q&A

As part of the MSUE 2021 Statewide Spring Tree Fruit Webinar Series, John Wise presents 'Label Updates and Pest Q&A'

From  Anna Wallis 27 plays 0  

Pruning High-Density Apples - Corrective Cuts for Rejuvenating an Orchard

This video provides instruction on pruning high density apples in need of rejuvenation. Orchards can fall out of optimal condition in terms of tree vigor, fruit production, and quality due to missed…

From  Anna Wallis 359 plays 0  

Section 001_02-10

From  Elizabeth Johnson 12 plays 0  

Lecture 14 A_part3

From  Ankita Bhattacharya 6 plays 0  

Lecture 14 B_part1

From  Ankita Bhattacharya 10 plays 0  

Lecture 12 B_part1

From  Ankita Bhattacharya 10 plays 0  

Lecture 12 A_part3

From  Ankita Bhattacharya 3 plays 0  

Lecture 12 A_part2

From  Ankita Bhattacharya 5 plays 0  


From  Ankita Bhattacharya 1 plays 0