Search for tag: "exams"

Exam Tagging: How does it Inform Teaching?

Exam Tagging: Why do we use exam tags? How might they inform your teaching? When MSUCOM faculty construct items for multiple choice exams, they’re asked to include relevant tags from categories…

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From  Sara Potter 3 plays 0  

Exams: Board-Style Exam Items

Writing Board Style Items: What is a board-style exam item? How do I write one? Item writing starts with reflecting on your objectives. If your objectives are aimed at basic recall or application of…

+2 More
From  Sara Potter 3 plays 0  

Exam Blueprints: What to Consider?

Exam blueprinting: What should I consider in the blueprint? What does blueprinting even mean? Exam blueprinting is a way to more intentionally construct an exam and identify students who need support…

+2 More
From  Sara Potter 2 plays 0  

Exam Analytics: Rescoring "bad" items.

Exam rescoring: What do I do with “bad” items or poor performance? By looking at item analytics, you should have a sense of how exam items are performing. We only recommend re-scoring an…

+2 More
From  Sara Potter 4 plays 0  

Exam Analytics: Response Frequencies

Exam analytics: What are response frequencies? Some people refer to this as a distractor analysis or a foil analysis. Response frequencies show the number of exam takers who selected each response…

+2 More
From  Sara Potter 3 plays 0  

Exam Analytics: Point Biserial & Discrimination Index

Exam analytics: What is point biserial? Some people call this the correlation coefficient. What is discrimination index? The point biserial is a measure of how success on the exam correlates to…

+3 More
From  Sara Potter 4 plays 0  

Exam Analytics: Percent correct and Upper and Lower 27%

Exam analytics: What is % correct? Some people call this the difficulty index or the p-value. What are the upper and lower 27%? The percent correct is the % of students that responded correctly.…

+2 More
From  Sara Potter 3 plays 0  

Exam Analytics: How to tell if an item is good.

Exam analytics: Is this a “good” item? It can be difficult to determine what makes a “good” exam or a “good” item. It seems like if students perform well, it must…

+1 More
From  Sara Potter 12 plays 0  


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From  Vincent Melfi 237 plays 0  


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From  Vincent Melfi 175 plays 0  

511 course intro FS22

OMM 511 Course Introduction Fall 2022

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From  Catherine Donahue 312 plays 0  


For DMA students preparing to take the Comprehensive Exams in Music, join Prof. Callahan and Prof. Bartig as we discuss the process, preparation, and expectations regarding the exams.

From  Susan Hoekstra 80 plays 0  

BS161 Section 2_9 Welcome

Welcome Video for BS161 Sections 2 and 9. Fall 2021

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From  Donna Koslowsky 169 plays 0  

MSUCOM DMC Campus Tour

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From  Jennifer German 598 plays 0  

EL Virtual Tour

Class of 2024 Admission Reps takes you on a virtual tour of East Fee Hall on the MSU East Lansing campus.

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From  Jennifer German 409 plays 0  

Geo324v: How to view your grade and Instructor's feedback in Assessments programmed as D2L Quizzes

This video segment describes how to view your grade and Instructor's feedback for an Exam (this also applies to some Lab Assignments). These assessments are programmed as D2L Quizzes. Video by…

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From  Beth Weisenborn 14 plays 0