Search for tag: "food groups"

Making Healthy Choices for Adults Ages 60+: Five ways to LOVE your veggies

When eaten regularly, vegetables can help adults ages 60 and over achieve and maintain good health and weight control, while reducing risk of health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some…

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From  Amy Shovels 15 plays

Making Healthy Choices for Adults Ages 60+: How to vary your protein routine

By choosing from a variety of protein sources, adults ages 60 and over can get a better range of nutrients to help maintain strong bone and muscle health. Funded by the USDA's Supplemental…

+21 More
From  Amy Shovels 8 plays

Making Healthy Choices for Adults Ages 60+: What's a healthy food choice?

Adults ages 60 and over can stay active and healthy by enjoying a variety of foods from each of five food groups. Funded by the USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP.…

+20 More
From  Amy Shovels 22 plays

Making Healthy Choices for Adults Ages 60+: How to WIN with whole grains

Grains are a food group to include in a healthy diet every day. Adults ages 60 and over can optimize vitamins, minerals, and fiber by choosing whole grains more often than refined grains. Funded by…

+21 More
From  Amy Shovels 8 plays

Making Healthy Choices for Adults Ages 60+: Fabulous fruit five ways

Fruit is packed with good nutrition! Adults ages 60 and over can maximize their budget and keep their taste buds interested by choosing from a variety of fruit sources. Funded by the USDA's…

+24 More
From  Amy Shovels 7 plays

Making Healthy Choices for Adults Ages 60+: Think about your drink

When making healthy choices, it's important to consider what we drink. Adults ages 60 and over can maintain optimal hydration, and keep excess calories and added sugar in check, by choosing from…

+23 More
From  Amy Shovels 7 plays

Making Healthy Choices for Adults Ages 60+: Where to get your calcium

To maintain strong bone health as we age, it’s important to eat and drink foods that supply calcium. Thankfully there are a number of great sources for adults ages 60 and over to choose from! …

+28 More
From  Amy Shovels 7 plays