Search for tag: "helping"

Adult Caregivers Affinity Group: Respite Care

The Adult Caregivers Affinity Group is a place for Spartans to connect on adult caregiving/eldercare topics with the goal of connecting, building community and sharing best practices regarding…

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From  WorkLife Office WorkLife Office 22 plays 0  

Jane Bush 11/13/19 MIFFS Interview #4

From  Julie Cotton 21 plays 0  

Oran Hesterman 11/12/19 Interview #3

From  Julie Cotton 39 plays 0  

Betsie Valley Final

From  Erin E Powell 5 plays 0  

VFF_Bread of Life Food Pantry_Testamonial

Bread of Life My Choice Food Pantry Interview with patrons, volunteers and director talking about their experience with transitioning to a My Choice pantry through the Voices for Food PSE…

From  Erika Garner 75 plays 0  

CHM Spring Faculty Meeting and Appreciation Reception 05/07/2019

From  Faith Peterson 18 plays 0