Search for tag: "host"

Module 5 - Epidemiologic Variables, Part 2 of 2 - PowerPoint

From  Robert Wahl 10 plays 0  

Zoom Meetings

A recorded Virtual Instructor-Led Training session that will cover more advanced topics and functions in Zoom Meetings such as breakout rooms, recordings, and reports.

From  Spartans Learn 40 plays 0  

Kaltura Capture recording - February 11th 2022, 3:59:39 pm


From  Cameron Lizyness 34 plays 0  

MMG 433 - SS22 - 2.3.1 - Genome evolution

Zoom Recording ID: 91220406734 UUID: o5SWovJPRo2qd2uVvMwzUg== Meeting Time: 2021-03-01T16:18:21Z

From  Yann Dufour 102 plays 0  

Ed Tech Tip - Granting Access to Share Screens in Zoom

From  Gwyn Shelle 21 plays 0  

VM 530-Flagellates Mansfield-2021

From  Matt Koss 146 plays 0  

VM 530 Microbial Pathogenesis Activity - Abramovitch

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 46 plays 0  

VM 530 Intro to the Infectious Cycle - Abramovitch

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 47 plays 0  

VM 530 Epidemiology Intro

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 41 plays 0  

IBIO 445-730_Lecture 14_Evolutionary Medicine_Week 7

From  Elizabeth Johnson 102 plays 0  

VM 530-Evasion of host immune defenses

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 466 plays 0  

VM 530 - What is a pathogen?

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 508 plays 0  

Technology Carts Overview

Date of session: May 18, 2021 Description: This video, Technology Carts Overview, is a a brief rundown on the use of the technology carts found in most of MSU’s campus classrooms. Visit 25Live…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 104 plays 0  

Using the ACRL Framework to Incorporate Visual and Digital Literacies into Instruction

This webinar, which took place on November 6, 2015, highlights strategies using the ACRL standards and framework to introduce students to diverse systems of thought and artistic production and allow…

From  Meredith Hale 6 plays 0  

IBIO 360 Lecture 22.10 4Dec20 Reproduction

Captions edited.

From  Pamela Rasmussen 8 plays 0  

VM 536-Bacterial infections in BRDC-Mycoplasma bovis

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 339 plays 0