Interview with Lily Pregill, head of digital initiatives at the Getty Research Institute, conducted in 2017. She talks about digital initiatives, working on grant funded projects, digital humanities,…
This panel discussion explores the history of digital art history, its methods, and current trends. It took place on April 6, 2022 as part of the ARLIS/NA 50th Annual Conference in Chicago and was…
Workshop held October 13, 2021
MSU Commons is an open access platform for connecting with other scholars, sharing your work, and developing your online presence. On MSU Commons, you can deposit…
In response to developments in digital scholarship, many arts and humanities librarians find themselves racing to acquire technical expertise to help scholars take advantage of emerging tools and…
This webinar, which took place on November 6, 2015, highlights strategies using the ACRL standards and framework to introduce students to diverse systems of thought and artistic production and allow…
Ithaka S+R, a strategic consulting and research service that focuses on the transformation of scholarship in an online environment, has conducted an in-depth study of research practices in art…
Digital Humanities interprets the cultural and social impact of new media and information technologies—the fundamental components of the new information age—as well as creates and applies…
Public lecture by Dr. Theofili Kampianaki (University of Birmingham), sponsored by the The Michael and Elaine Serling Institute for Jewish Studies and Modern Israel at Michigan State University. No…
Instructor welcome video for online class on global community engagement in times of crisis.
Matt Schultz from Grand Valley State University Library and Ed Busch from MSU Archives introduce the March 2016 Mid Michigan Digital Practitioners Meeting held at GVSU.
Video by Bonnie Bucqueroux for Writing Successful Grants