Search for tag: "interviews"
Interview with Jennifer FerrettiInterview with Jennifer A. Ferretti, formerly digital initiatives librarian at the Maryland Institute College of Art, conducted in 2017. She talks about a variety of digital initiatives including…
From Meredith Hale
6 plays
Interview with Caley CannonInterview with Caley Cannon, formerly art librarian at the Brand Library in Glendale, CA, conducted in 2017. You can access the full transcript here - This…
From Meredith Hale
1 plays
Interview with Jennifer Martinez WormserInterview with Jennifer Martinez Wormser, formerly director of the library at the Laguna College of Art and Design, conducted in 2017. She talks about instruction, collections, and programming at an…
From Meredith Hale
6 plays
Interview with Janine HenriInterview with Janine Henri, formerly architecture and design librarian at the University of California Los Angeles, conducted in 2017. Janine talks about architecture librarianship and its…
From Meredith Hale
7 plays
Interview with Stephanie GrimmInterview with Stephanie Grimm, art librarian and gallery manager at George Mason University, conducted in 2017. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…
From Meredith Hale
9 plays
Interview with Sylvia PageInterview with Sylvia Page, formerly art librarian at the Memphis College of Art, conducted in 2017. She talks about working at a small art and design school library, instruction, outreach,…
From Meredith Hale
16 plays
Interview with Stacy BrinkmanInterview with Stacy Brinkman, formerly head of the art libary at Miami University, conducted in 2017. She talks about art information users, creating a materials library, and advice for LIS…
From Meredith Hale
20 plays
Interview with Siân EvansInterview with Siân Evans, formerly information literacy librarian at the Maryland Institute College of Art, conducted in 2017. She talks about instruction, information literacy, lesson…
From Meredith Hale
14 plays
Interview with Sarah ShermanInterview with Sarah Sherman, formerly reference librarian at the Getty Research Institute, conducted in 2017. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…
From Meredith Hale
9 plays
Interview with Roger LawsonInterview with Roger Lawson, formerly chief librarian at the National Gallery of Art, conducted in 2017. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…
From Meredith Hale
11 plays
Interview with Robert GoreInterview with Robert Gore, art librarian at University of California Los Angeles, conducted in 2017. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…
From Meredith Hale
10 plays
Interview with Melanie EmersonInterview with Melanie Emerson, formerly head of the Ricker Library of Architecture & Art at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, conducted in 2017. She talks about working in museum…
From Meredith Hale
10 plays
Interview with Lily PregillInterview with Lily Pregill, head of digital initiatives at the Getty Research Institute, conducted in 2017. She talks about digital initiatives, working on grant funded projects, digital humanities,…
From Meredith Hale
27 plays
Interview with Laura SchwartzInterview with Laura Schwartz, formerly arts librarian at University of Calfironia San Diego, conducted in 2017. She discusses similarities and differences of various academic libraries and…
From Meredith Hale
5 plays