Search for tag: "meteorology"
Instructor Introduction: Michelle Bullock (US24, GEO203)Video welcome from the Summer 2024 GEO 203 Instructor: Michelle Bullock- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
From Michelle Bullock
9 plays
Instructor Introduction: Michelle Bullock (US23, GEO203)Video welcome from the Summer 2023 GEO 203 Instructor: Michelle Bullock- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
From Michelle Bullock
25 plays
Geo 203v: Where to find course itemsThis video shows where materials needed for the course can be found in D2L.
From Beth Weisenborn
138 plays
GEO203: Introduction to your instructor, SS2023 (Gabriela Shirkey)Video welcome from the Spring 2023 GEO 221 Instructor: Gabriela Shirkey - MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences. Welcome to GEO 203v! My name is Gabriela Shirkey and I will…
From Gabriela Shirkey
92 plays
Geo203v: How to view your grade and Instructor's feedback in an Submission Folder (dropbox)This video segment describes how to view your grade and Instructor's feedback for Weather Journals. This assessment was collected by and graded in an Submission Folder (dropbox) in D2L. Video by…
From Beth Weisenborn
45 plays
Instructor Introduction: Joey Seitz (SS22 GEO203/730)Video introducing the Spring 2022 GEO 203v instructor, Joey Seitz -- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
From Joey Seitz
96 plays
Creativity and Collaborations in Special Collections and Archives / Créativité et collaborations dans les archives et collections spécialesThis bilingual session explores the ways in which archives and special collections engage with their communities by using their visual and textual resources as tools for teaching and learning.…
From Meredith Hale
43 plays
Instructor Introduction: B.J. Baule (US20 Geo203/730)Video introducing the Summer 2020 GEO 203v (section 730) instructor, B.J. Baule -- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
From William Baule
51 plays
GEO203V Welcome by Qiong Zhang for 2US2020.Welcome to Geo203v, Introduction to Meteorology, by Qiong Zhang. Second summer session 2020.
From Beth Weisenborn
20 plays
GEO203V Farewell videoJovanka Nikolic says "farewell" and guides you through the steps you need to take to finish up the course.
From Beth Weisenborn
130 plays
GEO 203/730: Welcome message from your Instructor, Jovanka Nikolic.Weclome to GEO203V, Introduction to Meteorology, from Jovanka, Nikolic.
From Beth Weisenborn
144 plays
The Wreck of the Edmund FitzgeraldSteve Schultze created this 4-minute video lecture for GEO203v (Introduction to Meteorology). The video goes with Lessons 12 and 13 and explores the topic "The Wreck of the Edmund…
From Beth Weisenborn
17 plays
History of Meteorology and KrakatoaSteve Schultze created this 4-minute video lecture for GEO203v (Introduction to Meteorology). The video goes with Lessons 10 and 11 and explores the topic "History of Meteorology and…
From Beth Weisenborn
212 plays