Search for tag: "middle"
Supervisor Training Series: Supporting Middle ManagersMiddle managers often find themselves in the unique position of being caught between the strategic directives of senior leadership and the day-to-day realities of front-line employees. This…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
66 plays
Instrument Tie R HandTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
7 plays
Energizing Your 4-H Club MeetingsDo your 4-H meetings or group activities feel like all work and no play? Learn quick and engaging activities to make your next meeting both fun and functional. Have fun and learn ways to help…
From Christine Heverly
49 plays
Agricultural weather forecast for April 5, 2022Agricultural weather forecast by Jeff Andresen, MSU meteorologist
From Mallory Marienfeld
68 plays
Kami Ori Origami Series: Dollar ShirtStep-by-step instructions how to create a collared shirt design from a dollar bill.
From Brandie Rachell Sigler
5 plays
Animal Brains by Arezu ForouzandehLearn about the different lobes of the brain and their functions and see some comparative images of animal brains!
From Arezu Forouzandeh
44 plays
STT 200 The Inverse Normal FunctionSTT 200 discussion and examples using normalcdf and inNorm functions on the TI-84 calculator.
From Camille Fairbourn
2,429 plays
Cambios en la vida, cambios en la granjaThis project was funded by/Este proyecto estuvo financiado por: La Cosecha USDA NIFA BFRDP BFRDP Award # [2017-70017-26860] Michigan State University.
From Florencia Colella
2 plays
Agricultural weather forecast for July 1, 2020Agricultural weather forecast by Jeff Andresen, MSU meteorologist
From Mallory Marienfeld
37 plays