Search for tag: "pain"
Menopausal symptoms in competitive weightliftersAthletes may be unprepared for the onset and duration of menopausal symptoms and how they affect training and competition goals. There are inconsistent results about physical activity and menopausal…
From Marianne Huebner
20 plays
FDM IntroFascial Distortion Model Intro and Triggerbands and Herniated Trigger Point Description
From David Hickling
160 plays
WNA: Women's Mental Health and IntersectionalityThe attendees will learn about1. The concept of intersectionality and its impact on mental health2. Understanding bio, psychosocial model of mental disorders3. Why women are more vulnerable to mental…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
83 plays
Howard Schubiner ASK pain module extro 7-15-21Wrap up video for ASK pain module developed by Drs. Holman, Cunningham and Schubiner
From Howard Schubiner
159 plays
Howard Schubiner ASK Pain module intro 7-15-21Introduction for ASK pain module developed by Dr. Holman, Cunningham and Schubiner
From Howard Schubiner
242 plays