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PH861 Module 1-Introduction to Public Health Nutrition

+19 More
From  Min Tao 8 plays 0  

Module 1 - Applied Epidemiology Defined with audio

Module 1 - Applied Epidemiology Defined with audio

From  Lydia Merritt 24 plays 0  

Module 1 - Introduction to Public Health Nutrition

Module 1 - Introduction to Public Health Nutrition

From  Lydia Merritt 18 plays 0  

MMDP Fall 2020 Conference- Session 2: Making Metadata Meaningful

Zoom Recording ID: 93017196545 UUID: epOfXkhmR1aR7eTS+dXcOw== Meeting Time: 2020-12-03T14:04:23Z

+11 More
From  Sarah Mainville 10 plays 0  

MMDP Fall 2020 Conference- Session 3: Adjusting Our Work in Light of COVID-19 and Session 4: Workflow Tips to Make Our Work Better

Zoom Recording ID: 93017196545 UUID: epOfXkhmR1aR7eTS+dXcOw== Meeting Time: 2020-12-03T14:04:23Z

From  Sarah Mainville 24 plays 0  

MMDP Fall 2020 Conference- from Session 1: Update on the Michigan Digital Preservation Network and LOCKSS 2.0 Pilot

Zoom Recording ID: 93017196545 UUID: epOfXkhmR1aR7eTS+dXcOw== Meeting Time: 2020-12-03T14:04:23Z

+10 More
From  Sarah Mainville 10 plays 0  

NCI Complete Charrette Certificate Online Training

+19 More
From  Holly Madill 25 plays 0  


Matt Schultz from the GVSU Library discusses an experience from rescuing data off of old computers.

From  Ed Busch 4 plays 0  


Tyler Smeltekop from the MSU Libraries presents, Digital Scanning in the Course Materials Program.

From  Ed Busch 3 plays 0  


Gavin Strassel (SEIU Archivist) from the Reuther Library at Wayne State University presents, Turning Your Smartphone Into a Scanner for Cumbersome Objects.

From  Ed Busch 22 plays 0  


Matt Caruthers (Metadata Projects Librarian) from the University of Michigan presents, Using OpenRefine for data driven decision making: a case study from the University of Michigan Library.

From  Ed Busch 0 plays 0  


Matt Schultz (Metadata and Digital Curation Librarian) and Kyle Felker (Digital Initiatives Librarian) present, Access Update from Grand Valley State University: Where We Were, Were Headed and Are…

From  Ed Busch 2 plays 0  


Susan O'Brien, Cataloger, from the MSU Archives presents, Cataloging Archival Collections: Grouping Collections to Aid Retrieval.

From  Ed Busch 2 plays 0  


Devin Higgins, Digital Library Programmer, from the MSU Libraries with his presentation, APIs in the Library: Selected Projects that Expand the Local Information Environment.

From  Ed Busch 2 plays 0  


Two presentations- Digital Detroit: Audio, Video, and the Urban Studio. Presenters were Nathan Kelber, Brendan Roney, and Katie Musial. Brian Wilson from The Henry Ford with his presentation,…

From  Ed Busch 3 plays 0  


Aaron Collie, Head of Digital Scholarship & Curation at the MSU Libraries, begins the Fall 2016 MMDP meeting with a welcome and information.

From  Ed Busch 3 plays 0