Want to learn more about our Professional Certificate in GIS? What is onGEO all about? Where in the world are our students? Note: This video's audio is an instrumental song.
Want to learn more about our Professional Certificate in GIS? What is onGEO all about? Where in the world are our students? Note: This video's audio is an instrumental song.
Dr. Shi introduces Lesson 11: Cartography in IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology
(onGEO Professional Certificate Course).
Dr. Shi introduces Lesson 12: Basics of Cartographic Design in IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology
(onGEO Professional Certificate Course).
Farewell message for IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology by Dr. Yi Shi.This is a core course required for earning a Professional Certificate in GIS from onGEO.
Farewell message for GIS: Geographic Information Systems by Dr. Yi Shi.This is a core course required for earning a Professional Certificate in GIS from onGEO.
Welcome message for GIS: Geographic Information Systems by Dr. Yi Shi.This is a core course required for earning a Professional Certificate in GIS from onGEO.
Juliegh Bookout created this presentation to welcome students to onGEO's Professional Certificate Courses.