Search for tag: "wacss"
WACSS Insight Series: Funds of Knowledge in DEI WorkDr. Amanda Flores, WKAR's Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion shares her research during this WACSS Insight Series. Funds of knowledge (Fk) are historically accumulated…
From Heather Dover
9 plays
WACSS insight Series - Robert's Rules of OrderTaylor Thrush, Deputy Secretary for Academic Governance, presents a deep dive on Robert's Rules of Order as part of the WACSS Insight Series. Resources shared: Parliamentary…
From Emily Khan
8 plays
Anti-Racism Insight Series HighlightsSpecial thanks to everyone who participated in the WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series Speakers: Ingrid Aguayo-Fuentealba, Luis Alonzo Garcia, Yael Aronoff PhD, Ellie Baden, NiCole Buchanan PhD,…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
73 plays
On Facing Boogeymen Or, What the Horror Genre Taught Me About Anti-Racist Leadership | Dr. Marita Gilbert | WACSS Insight SeriesOn Facing Boogeymen or, What the Horror Genre Taught Me About Anti-Racist Leadership Marita Gilbert, PhD, Associate Dean of Diversity and Campus Inclusion, MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine …
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
33 plays
Neurodiversity: Towards a More Inclusive Campus, Lindsay Hill and Kelsey Foote | WACSS Insight SeriesWACSS Building Community Insight Series Neurodiversity: Towards a More Inclusive Campus Lindsay Hill and Kelsey Foote, Ability Access Specialists, MSU Resource Center for Persons with…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
57 plays
WACSS Building Community Insight Series: Welcome Back to CampusJoin WACSS as we discuss the return back to campus. We have a special dedication to staff who remained on campus during the pandemic, an overview of the new STEM building, discuss navigating the…
From Arianna Perrien
3 plays
WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series: Hands Up, Don't Shoot: Why the protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter and How They Changed the WorldWACSS Anti-Racism Insight SeriesDr. Jennifer Cobbina Book talk Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter, and How They Changed America (2019)
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
16 plays
Intersectionality as Lived Experience, Radical Theory, and Social Justice Activism | WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series | NiCole T. Buchanan, PhDSociety and individuals have been slow to incorporate intersectionality as a concept and as a framework for informing our work, which limits the potential impact of theory, praxis and activism. In…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
106 plays
Dismantling Pipelines, Building Villages: Anti-racist STEM Education as Dynamic Coalition Building | WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series | Michael Lachney, PhD and Brianna Green, MSOn 2/17/2021, Michael Lachney, PhD, Department of Counseling Educational Psychology and Special Education, and Brianna Green, MS, Educational Psychology and Educational Technology Program,presented…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
30 plays
Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Your Journey toward Anti-Racism | WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series | Dr. Darrell KingOn 10/27/2020, Dr. Darrell King, Senior Associate Director of Multicultural Business Programs and Michigan State University's Broad College of Business, presented the inaugural speech for the…
From Arianna Perrien
64 plays
WACSS & Michigan Women Forward (MWF)On 7/9/2020, Michigan Women Forward (MWF) President and CEO, Carolyn Cassin, joined WACSS to teach the MSU community about programs and funding for entrepreneurs of women-owned businesses, in…
From Lisa Desprez-Orr
11 plays