Welcome to the virtual road show for supervisors we're going to introduce you to the refreshed EBS portal which is being done for the Go2Gateway project. This is a session for supervisors, we had one earlier today for employees. I am Jerry Fust I work for Human Resources specifically Human Resources Information Technology. I'm here with some of my colleagues. Bethany Balks from Human Resources Communications is with me and also to help answer any questions you have at the end are Tim Hermen and Paula Terzian also with Human Resources Information Technology. In the session we're going to cover the introduction to the Go2Gateway project, what it is also look a lot about where you get help through this transition to the refreshed EBS portal and then we're going to take a look at the refreshed EBS portal itself, specifically relating to the tools that supervisors use. If you weren't here for the earlier session we're going to go very quickly over some introductory stuff. The idea here is that these will be building blocks so hopefully you joined us earlier for the four employees virtual road show. So the introduction to Go2Gateway. It is an upgrade to the EBS portal and the HR payroll system. This upgrade has to happen for all enterprise business systems every so often. It allows us to keep up to date with the technology but also allows us to bring in some new technologies. So for example that technologies we're bringing in we'll show you. Will help you streamline your work. It's also something called responsive design that has the screen resizes depending on how big your computer's monitor is and part of this a big part of this is increasing usability, that is making it easier for you to navigate making it easier for you to find the things that you're looking for having fewer levels to navigate through to get down the line you're trying to click. The refreshed EBS portal meets MSU brand standards the current portal, well it has the MSU logo but didn't really meet the brand standards when we went live. You'll see when you when we show you the screenshots of the refreshed EBS portal that we are very clearly a part of the MSU brand. Also the ease of use of the system is built very much on user input. We have had a number of people both on and off campus faculty staff etc join us in helping direct our work. So with Go2Gateway we're going talk about some of the things that are not changing for supervisors there are a few things that are changing. So if it's not on this list it's not changing. So we have moved all of your approvals whether you're approving time or you're approving training into one place. We've given supervisors a new application called My Team, kind of a dashboard view we'll show you that. Shows your employee's information and then currently there's four time reports about four reports about time. That's been reported, whether it's been approved, rejected, waiting for approval. Those are in one report now. And the big news we're very happy to announce that supervisors no longer need the SAP GUI for Windows download once they receive the refreshed EBS portal. So all of those transactions that currently launched the SAP GUI for Windows will open a new tool called the SAP GUI for HTML. So you don't need that and this is going to be very useful for those of you who use MAC. So your Safari browser can now open those transactions, you don't need to be in virtual machine mode with your Mac you can just do it right there. Things that are not changing, very important here security roles: you will not see the phrase manager self-service when you log in to the refreshed EBB portal. But that is still the security role. We've tied the navigation to it in a different way, we've tied navigation to it in a way that is more intuitive. We have labeled things more intuitively and it's actually called supervisor tools now not manager self service but that's the name of the security role. You just won't see it on your screen but security roles are not changing. Business processes are not changing employees report information supervisors approve them. Employees request training, supervisors approve them. So business processes is still the same. Browser support still the same. Different browsers have different restrictions and Firefox and Chrome don't support Adobe, Safari has difficulties with Adobe as well, there's one Adobe interactive form that supervisors have you can't use it on those browsers. That's a challenge with those browsers. I would like very much to get away from that technology but for right now it's a fact of life. So Internet Explorer is still your most powerful browser but because we have reduced and in the case of Supervisors gotten rid of any dependency on the SAP GUI for Windows Mac users will have a much better experience. So for the most part supervisors your tools will be supported across everything except for the Adobe interactive forms. Data is not changing. Information we have on you and your employees still the same. Those of you who used business intelligence, the data is still there, still the same, how we present it to you has not changed. One of the questions we get a lot is you know suppose one of your employees launches a training request they want to use a department account or their educational assistance and you need to approve that they'll launch that request before you receive the refreshed EBS portal. When you receive their refreshed EBS portal it'll still be the same request, it'll be presented differently, but the data is still there it's not changing. It's your view of the data that's changed so data not changing. The name of the EBS portal is the EBS portal. So we're not changing that. Go2Gateway is the project to refresh the EBS portal. The refreshed EBS portal is what you'll receive during the rollout and they will show you that roll out schedule but it's still called the EBS portal. The URL, the logon screen still the same so ebs.msu.edu or secportal.msu.edu still where you're going to go to login. There will be a day that comes this summer when you log in and you'll see something different. Still the same information though. Other enterprise business systems are not changing so this is a change to the EBS portal itself and the HR payroll functions in the EBS portal. The other enterprise business systems are not changing. And most of your HR Payroll applications so most of the things you see under supervisor tools now are not changing except for the three the three exceptions I listed earlier. That's the only things that are changing. The other applications may look different because we've changed the theme we've changed the colors we've made the font larger and we're using a web based tool instead of the SAP GUI for windows so it will look different but they're the same application. Now very important we want to talk with you about where to get help. You know first thing is in person help and congratulations to you for taking time out your time to be part of this virtual road show having information we're giving you now will help you prepare for what's going to happen. The changes we think will be very welcome. So we're looking forward to presenting these to you if you have questions you can contact the HR Solutions Center. They do have walk-in in suite 110 Nisbet, but most of you though if you're looking for in person help you might want to take advantage of our site labs. We will have them around campus throughout July and August and these are drop-in hours just bring a laptop, if you don't have one these are computer labs, come in we'll talk about what problem you're having and get you back to work. You can also get line help online. We have the Go2Gateway website. hr.msu.edu/go2gateway. You've received emails with links to our website. There's also the HR Solutions Center you can contact the phone number and email address are there on screen in the email addresses is on all the information we've been sending out to you about go2gateway. We also have virtual labs. So if you can't make it to a site lab, can't do the drop-in, you can log on in these virtual labs we'll be using this software Zoom and we'll work with people on different issues that come up and people will be able to see what some of the challenges our folks are having maybe having that challenge themselves we'll do that remotely. And so here's the dates so we have virtual labs. And then finally the biggest thing is through the refreshed EBS portal itself we have much more help for you. We also have a new tool called Guide Me talking about the help pages first in the current EBS portal there's this little icon. You see here. If you click it is you have a link to the help the help might be a recording that's out of date from six years ago could be some documentation that has been changed or appended over time. We've written all new help documentation and it's going to be much easier to get to so I also want to point out you can only find that little icon on certain screens. In the refreshed EBS portal there will be a help icon at the top of every page and when you click this it's going to take you to a page designed just to support whatever application you're in whatever link you're in step by step instructions there links to supporting documents. You also find their contact information for each application. So if you have for the questions see you know who for that application you need to go to. So whether it be the payroll office or the HR Solutions Center we'll have that information listed for you. OK So if you're ready let's take a look at the refreshed EBS portal. We're going straight to the refreshed EBS portal. Hopefully some of you sat in on the employee session earlier so we talked about some of the features and I'm going to go through them again really quickly here. I'm not going to cover the ones for employees that was in the prior session. So we're going talk about the features and then go to supervisor tools. So in the refreshed EBS portal navigation is over on the left, you're tabs are over here, all employees have the top six tabs supervisors have the supervisor tools that replaces manager self-service. Links are presented as tiles over on the right, we'll talk about what's on the tiles in a moment. The left menu is collapsible that's part of the responsive design I talked about in terms of this being able to size to your screen. Hopefully someday that will be a feature that will be useful on a mobile device. We don't have a project scheduled for that yet but we know that you very much want to have this on mobile devices and we'd like to give it to you so this is a technology that will help us get there someday. We can also search for links. So there is something under this link called My Team. If you can't remember what was under my team you can type in a keyword you can find that application without having to know what it's called. There is no search feature in the current portal. So this is something new. There's that help icon. It's going to be at the top of every page. And over on the right is the Guide Me tutorials, when you first log in you'll be greeted with a welcome tutorial. If you want it'll walk you through all these features. If not you can close it and it'll be sitting here on the right with other tutorials that will walk you through how to use different features of the refreshed EBS portal. Links are presented in these tiles over on the right hand of the screen. There's the name of the link itself in this case we're looking at the HR Payroll inbox. There's a subtitle What is in the HR Payroll inbox. Well the forms, the paying cost transaction, courses and that's the last one that's relevant for supervisors. There's an icon. One of the things we learned from our usability is some people navigate based on what the screen looks like more than the words on the application itself more than the words of the link. So every application every link has its unique icons. So people will get familiar with that and they'll use those exclusively for their navigation so we're able to help people navigate that way. There's a count, so you as a supervisor this is what we have a screenshot of, as an employee who is a supervisor you have your HR payroll inbox so you'll be coming in here to approve those training requests or department charges educational systems education release time for example and you'd also be coming in to approve your employee's time. And as we were talking with supervisors one of the things they said is you know if I'm coming in to do these approvals can you can you put those together and so here they are together. The other thing is we have these counts on the face them so you don't actually have to click in and run the applications to know if there's data waiting for you to be to be approved. It's right here so if you see a zero you can keep going come back to the screen it will refresh itself. I think it's a two minute timer that keeps refreshing itself, so but it starts when you first log in. You'll see a count of this anything, there waiting for your approval. And you can move on. But both approval things both items you have to approve right here one screen. Also on these tiles is additional information 25 What. It's 25 pending approvals we are not opening windows new windows as much as we do in the current EBS portal. the refreshed portal opens more things in place that ends right here in this window so you don't have extra windows popping open but if we do open a new window for you we'll tell you right here on the tile that we're going to open a new window that way you'll have some sense of maybe you have an issue with your pop up blocker or what have you. People who use a screen reader, it will be read to them that a new window's opening so much better support for you as you're trying to manage different windows. So the HR Payroll inboxes one of the transactions that has changed we're going to take a quick look at it from the supervisor perspective. We're gonna talk about the HR payroll inbox. It's this thing down here at the bottom of your home tab. In the current EBS portal. A lot of people don't know that this is called the HR Payroll inbox but that's what it is especially supervisors. So if you're not approving a lot of training, you don't have much reason to come here but this is where you do those approvals for training. This happens to be a screenshot of what an employee would see. OK so now we're going into the refreshed EBS portal's new HR Payroll inbox and this is a supervisor view. We have a number of features on this page one is search. Normally you'd be approving course bookings. Now if you look down the lower left hand part of a screen here. Currently these are called work items for supervisor delegate and supervisor supervisors which is a mouthful. We've renamed these course booking for Bessie Berkowitz. So you know what it is it needs to be approved and actually these renamings are in the current portal they're working their way through in advance of the Go2Gateway project but it's a simplified wording here of the tasks you need to approve as a supervisor. You can search those if you're looking for a particular employee who said hey I need you to approve that. So it's right there on the screen you can search. You can also sort and filter and you can do that in their current HR payroll inbox but you can also group. So if you are a supervisor. Who also has an educational assistance request of your own out there you can group those separately. If you have other security roles like your workflow approver for example for your organization. You can group these tasks based on a number of different pieces of information about the workflow. So you can group your work and you can take care of batches of stuff together and move on. For training related approvals and so in this case somebody wanted to use their educational release you're going to approve it right here. You don't need to open a new window. It won't open a new window all the information you need for the approval is right here on your screen just approve or reject. Or claim it in case there's somebody else like a delegate who could grab it I should say substitute we're calling them substitutes. So this is manager self-service and this is what we are replacing. So when I talk about manager self service I'm talking about this and it's three sub tabs work overview replace services and reports. So that is replaced with supervisor tools and this on your screen is all of your links there's nine one of the things that we learned from supervisors was there's really no reason if you have this few links to break them up. Into multiple sections. The overview of the Workplace Services and then the reports just put them together and that's what we've done. My Team is a new application we have for supervisors. We're going to take a look at that. It replaces this application called general information we learned a lot of supervisors don't even know they have this link they go right past it. It's the first one under Workplace Services. But it says information about your team members one of the interesting and annoying things about the screen is if you were to click into an employee's skills profile or record their time. If you scroll down on the screen you could get to their emergency contact information or the department e-mail address you could end up opening as many as seven different windows and that's problematic because then we start locking people's records etc Other people can't do their work. So this is being replaced with the My Team and this is your view. So over on the left I have my list of employees the employees report to me .also underneath. Also underneath the list of my employees is in this case this person is a substitute for another supervisor. Their employees also show on this list underneath here. Just like HR payroll inbox and I actually see some similarities here it's based on the same technology. You can search for your own employee. So you can actually search for your own name you can search by that other supervisor. You can search for specific employees. You can search for different employee types. You can sort filter and again, group. So you can group your students separate from your support staff employees that report to you. so much more flexibility in terms of how you can managed who is in this list. And then we have these tabs across with these different pieces of information these are the the different windows that open in the other application. I do want to point out on this screen in my screenshot which I intentionally did on a very small monitor the tabs go past the screen. On my laptop I actually have room to spare when I'm looking at this. So I did a very small screen shot very small resolution here but you see where it invokes a scroll bar just for those tabs. So yeah this is part of the responsive of design it's just shows you those pieces that need to react to the screen the rest of it stays in place. So let's go through the take a look at all of these sections all the pieces of information we have the first one was time and the quota information on the employee. Now we have the salary is the second section. This is new right now as a supervisor you cannot see the pay rate for the employees who report to you so whether they're salary or hourly You can't see that rate and that was a frustration for supervisors. So here it is right here we've given you that information. Monitoring of tasks you have this now. This shows you those evaluations that are coming due or in this case they have one overdue. So you can see those dates here. Again this is a new presentation of the information you currently have under general information. Emergency Contact you can see who is listed as emergency contact for this employee. Their contact information in this case the person only has their MSU contact listed but you know many cases we have our departmental email addresses perhaps a website listed or some other contact information and that would be listed here. Also qualifications. This is a piece of information you can see now what qualifications are these if you have an employee reporting to you in certain labor unions. They are required to do the computer access and training initiative. So that validation would be here. clerical technical employees may take a typing test those results would be here and employees can also take tests for proficiency in microsoft word Microsoft Excel PowerPoint and access those are the six qualifications that would be placed here based on tests they are taking. Some of this information can be maintained by supervisors. You can now and you will in the future in one place here My team. So in this case I'm looking at a support staff employee. So I can record their time data. I can approve their time data and I can also maintain their contact information when I go in there I can maintain both their emergency contact as well as any departmental contact information like the departmental e-mail address. That's functionality you have now here it's put together in one place under one button maintain. Also under supervisor tools. We have recorded time entries this report replaces four of the links you have currently. So on the screen we have the all time reported unapproved time approve time and rejected time so this is what you see in today's portal. That that new report is going to replace. And so here we see it. This is an example of the SAP GUI for HTML. It replaces the SAP GUI for Windows so again you don't need that download anymore because you're going to see the screen this way and there's two things I want to point out on the screen. First is up to the top. There's a button, submit and and save as variant. In the SAP GUI for Windows there's a lot of buttons up there a lot of them we don't use here at MSU. So in the refreshed EBS portal with the SAP GUI for HTML you only have the buttons you need to do the work you're going to do. And then in the screenshot I clicked on the processing status field down at the bottom and here's the different statuses of the time it's been entered just like those four separate reports. I can run all that information together or I can pick out parts of it just like I would by running separate reports but here it's all one report. So that's the tout of the three new applications for supervisors. Let's talk about the rollout schedule. We are rolling out the refreshed EBS portal in phases and what that means is that part of campus will be using the current EBS portal. While other employees begin using the refreshed EBS portal and that happens on these key dates you see on screen so on July 5th very close those of us who support the rest of campus and so the MSU IT Service Desk, HR solutions center HR Information Technology and the payroll office will be receiving the refreshed EBS portal. Then on July 7 two days later the College of Nursing is coming on they volunteered to help us out one of the things we want to do in a major implementation like this is to make sure we have people using the system early on who have different security roles, belong in different employee groups than we do in HR. And so those folks are coming on July 7 and then on July 18 unit administrators and unit time administrators receive the refreshed EBS portal. Their units will not have received it yet but just them. The reason for that is in many organizations those employees help prepare their organizations for major change. And so if you are a unit administrator or unit time administrator in addition to being a supervisor you will receive the refreshed EBS portal on the eighteenth. That doesn't mean you have to play a role in preparing your unit but if you choose to you'll it, you'll be able to show people or understand at least what they're talking about if they have issues. If you're preparing internal training documentation. We can help with that but unit administrators and unit time administrators have that. after that we start rolling out on three dates. July 27 August 1 and August15. different major administrative units, college level and we look to the departments underneath those major administrative units to figure out when we're going live do want to take you quickly and show you the PDF version of this which is on our website. And so this PDF is out there. I'm going to show you the Go2Gateway website in just a minute. But here we see those waves presented and so perhaps. I don't know exactly which department or exactly which department my MAU falls under so perhaps I work for health information. I can search and find out OK here's health information technology reports to major administrative unit 55 which is the MSU Health Team and they're going live on August 15. Yeah. So anyway college of natural resources Ag and natural resources here is all the departments we have listed under. So people reporting to these units can know when they're going live. An important detail here. If you report to two different departments on campus. You need to know which of those departments is going first because that's the date you'll receive the refreshed EBS portal. So if I'm back here on the main page. And suppose I'm reporting to you I have a dual positions one in the College of Natural Science for example and then another in MSU Extension I've got two different dates it's going to be the first date. So you go with the first date so anybody who is considered currently employed and that's true for your employees as a supervisor. They're not necessarily going with you if they if they report for a different department they may receive the refreshed EBS portal with that other departments which might be before your department. So be aware of that. Back to our rollout schedule, do you want to again call your attention to the Go2Gateway website, hr.msu.edu/go2gateway. A lot of tools out there and we're gonna go out and take a look at it in a moment. Two of our newest tools that have come out as an interactive cross-reference that shows you where things are located as well as a virtual test drive allows you to click around through a mock up of the current refreshed EBS portal. So let's go take a look at that website. Here it is the Go2Gateway site under the About section you'll see the rollout schedule, we just covered some of this. Here's the link to that PDF I was talking about. Here is also a list of the different MAUs and their go live dates. Under what's changing we go to what's changing for supervisors there's this short video here less than three minutes about the changes that covers much of the information I've talked about but it's a good thing to share with all the supervisors much shorter than the recording of this virtual road show. And some text here. Also under the Learn More system road show schedule. Under transition tools we have these two tools I just pointed out and I want to walk through a couple of them. Let's take a look at supervisor tools. So I'm going to quickly scroll through the instructions here and what you see here is a mock up of supervisor tool section of the site and when I go back and take a look at my team. You can just click on it and you can see what's under the my team. If you want to see sort of for example enter employee time what does that look like in the SAP GUI for HTML here's what it looks like. So we've done a mock up of the entire supervisor tools for you and you can click around. Take a look at it play with that before you actually go live. We also have and the other security roles also have these virtual test drives. We'll have this interactive cross-reference. This guide is to help people find where things are in the refreshed EBS portal. The goal was to group things and name them in a way that's more intuitive for more people. But people think differently. So what is intuitive for the masses may not be for any individual. So I go through this tool and when I'm in here. I've go to manager self service and I say OK what happened to my employer for mission report. I can click on it and I can see it's now under supervisor tools and it's called the Employee data report and it contains position details. So I have some additional information here about where it is what it's called and what it does. Whereas my quota usage detail I can click I can see that it's still called quota usage detail. It's a report because it's informational. So I can click through all this information. Where I find my emergency contact information it's now under My Team. So this is a crosswalk for you to use to find things in the refreshed EBS portal. And with that I am done with my presentation. If you have questions now would be the time to throw them in here. OK So the question is. Supervisors can maintain information about employee's skill set. No actually you can't you can see the skill set there the results of those tests they take those are actually maintained by human resources they go in take the test and then the score is recorded.. Now the information you can record for example departmental email address or emergency contact the employees can maintain that as well OK so usually that's the case with the supervisor do it if the employee did not but the employee has access to it too. They don't approve it but they can go in and make changes as well. Same thing with time entry if a supervisor enters time for their employee and they talk about it that the employee can still go in and make changes. So will the quota time balance be in real time for supervisors? As long as the time has been approved. Yes you will see it in the time balance. So it's similar to what the employees can see for themselves. The key is it needs to be approved. And there's a nightly program so it needs to be approved today then you see it tomorrow so real time. Not quite very quick turnaround. But so this is a lesson learned. We need to make sure we're approving our time in a timely fashion if you want to see it showing up in the reports. Will the network connect still be recorded with logging into EBS from an off campus site? Well first of all it's always good to be on the V.P.N. to encrypt your connection. So we recommend that it's needed right now because the SAP GUI for Windows. The SAP GUI for HTML is not going to require that. So is it required? not for supervisors. But if you do have one of the roles workflow approver or unit administrator that will still require the SAP GUI for Windows you're going to need it for anything related to a pay change or cost redistribution the approval, the initiation of those, workflow reports. But when you're off campus it's always a good idea to be using the B.P.M. even though it's not required for supervisors. If you have questions now is the time to ask them. We're at the end of the list of questions so we'll give it a couple more minutes here and see if they come in. And I'm not seeing any of the questions but I want to direct your attention back to the screen. If you have questions go to our website hr.msu.edu/go2gateway or contact the solutions center at hr.msu.edu for questions they are ready and waiting for you and take a good look at the website take a good look at the rollout schedule. If you report to multiple units or have employees that report to multiple units take a good look at their go live dates and we have all the resources you need out there and with that we will be signing off so thank you for your time. We'll let you get back to work, we appreciate your interest in Go2Gateway and we hope you find this a fruitful and productive addition to Human Resources systems, thank you.
Virtual Road Show for Supervisors
From hrmail MSU Human Resources June 29th, 2016
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