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IDI Fall 2022 WelcomeThe Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, or IDI, works to advance Michigan State University’s diversity, equity and inclusion strategic priorities. The office plays a key role in…
From Henry Mochida
181 plays
What is Freedom? A Look into MSU Students' Beliefs and BehaviorsGood afternoon. My name is Emily Schultz. I am a 3rd year student in the college of social sciences. The purpose of my study is to understand how young adults are impacted by the highly politicized…
From Emily Schultz
1 plays
Challenging Racism in Consumer Culture | WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series | Shreena Gandhi, PhDChallenging Racism in Consumer Culture WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series Dr. Shreena Gandhi5/20/2021
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
28 plays
Dean of Students Office NSODean of Students Office module for the New Student Orientation Program
From Philip Strong
12,603 plays
Toward a Respectful Workplace - Filling the space: Integrative responding to academic bullying in higher educationAcademic bullying represents a serious issue that affects all disciplines and people of all levels of experience. To create a truly safe, productive and vibrant environment in academia requires…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
31 plays