Search for tag: "argentina"

GEO204: South America on the Map

From  Juliegh Bookout 236 plays 0  

Lecture 9.4-part 1

From  Ronen Steinberg 172 plays 0  

VIEYRA_OST822_Seeking Grantmakers_2020-11-22 18-46-44

Selecting grantmakers that will support my project in Argentina, Sustainable Develop Villas.

From  Sabrina Soledad Vieyra 5 plays 0  

Lecture 5.3 - Part 3

From  Ronen Steinberg 22 plays 0  

VIEYRA_OST822_GlobalHealthSecurity_2020-10-18 21-41-55

Description of TWO indicators comparing the GHS index and IHR for Argentina's situation.

From  Sabrina Soledad Vieyra 3 plays 0  

VIEYRA_OST822_GoodHealthandWellbeing_2020-09-20 21-20-15

Analysis of SDG Goal #3. Good Health and Well-being, with a comparison approach between two countries (one for LATAM and another one from EU)

From  Sabrina Soledad Vieyra 2 plays 0  

Lecture 2.3 - Part 4

From  Ronen Steinberg 39 plays 0  

Lecture 2.3 - Part 2

From  Ronen Steinberg 44 plays 0