Search for tag: "bird sanctuary"
Birds and Coffee Chat: Mindfulness and BirdingWe will be highlighting Mindfulness and Birding This month, for the birds and coffee chat, Kristy Taylor will join us to focus on birding and mindfulness, learning how to combine birding and nature…
From Misty Klotz
9 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat: MI Rare Birds 2024Grab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time of…
From Misty Klotz
8 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat: Winter Bird FeedingGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
10 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat: Planning a Birding TripGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
7 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat: Bird Conservation - Feeding Station ScienceGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
8 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat - haronsGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time of…
From Misty Klotz
6 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat - CorvidsGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
9 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat - Native PlantsGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
8 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat - Motus Wildlife Tracking SystemGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
10 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat: Eagles w Julie MelottiGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time of…
From Misty Klotz
16 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat: Mindfulness and BirdingGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
9 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat - Rare Birds of MI 2023Grab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
8 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat - Mallard Duck population dynamicsBirds and Coffee Chat - Mallard Duck population dynamics We will be highlighting: the movements and population dynamics of Great Lakes mallards with Ben Luukkonen Graduate Research Assistant…
From Misty Klotz
21 plays
Birds and Coffee Chat - Attracting Birds with Native Trees and ShrubsGrab your morning beverage and join us to learn more about five MI bird species! Each session we’ll highlight birds that you can find in our SW Michigan backyards, woods, and waters this time…
From Misty Klotz
10 plays