Describe the importance of
ethics in business and the framework of Generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP).
Ethan Veenhuis, from MSU's History department, presents “The
First to Merge: The United Teachers of Flint, Racial Parity, and School
Integration, 1968-1985” on Zoom and in the MSU…
Dr. Cathery Yeh from the University of Texas at Austin is presenting at the 12/7/2023 Math Ed Colloquium. Title of the talk is DisCrit Noticing: Theorizing at the Intersections of Race and Ability in…
The first and last portions of the May 24th 2023 MI CSA Network Meeting. These portions included introductions of network planning team, members on the call as well as the latest network updates,…
WNA Presents: Upgrade Your View - Vision Board Exclusive! This video features Regina Carey, Impact Coach & Passion Instigator, for a special hands-on, virtual event for building vision…