Search for tag: "cycle"
GEO 324, Video Microlecture: Unit 06 (Spectral Indices & Change Detection), Lesson 04b (Biosphere)Lesson: Remote Sensing Applications: Biosphere, Video 2 Unit: Spectral Indices & Change Detection Geography 324: Remote Sensing of the Environment Created by onGEO for the Department of…
From Beth Weisenborn
9 plays
How Can Compost Help Our Climate*2024 Wild About Conservation: How can compost help our climate with Eliza Hensel
From Beth Clawson
105 plays
Crop Scheduling Webinar Part 3: Ensuring Season-Long Interest with Herbaceous PerennialsDuring this informative session, Caitlin Splawski from Michigan State University discusses: Considerations for scheduling herbaceous perennials for retail. She goes over vernalization requirements,…
From Jaden Gimondo
11 plays
GEO203v: Animation of the five processes of the hydrologic cycleThis video shows an animation of the five processes of the hydrologic cycle: condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and evapotranspiration. Source: The Hydrologic Cycle (NASA…
From Beth Weisenborn
47 plays