Search for tag: "face"
Energizing Your 4-H Club MeetingsDo your 4-H meetings or group activities feel like all work and no play? Learn quick and engaging activities to make your next meeting both fun and functional. Have fun and learn ways to help…
From Christine Heverly
49 plays
Designing for Student and Instructor Satisfaction in Hyflex CoursesA poster presentation by Caitlin Kirby at the Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning in Traverse City, MI Oct 2022.
From Caitlin Kirby
7 plays
REAL Classrooms OverviewDate of session: November 10, 2021 Description: This video is an introduction to REAL Classrooms. This video will cover what they are, why are they important, flexibility and benefits, locations and…
From Instructional Technology and Development
69 plays
Family Affinity Group: Being Responsive to Your Child's CuesHumans communicate all of the time without ever speaking. Children are no different. Children send us cues to tell us what they need and want. In this session, parents and caregivers will learn the…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
28 plays
Introduction to Resilient PedagogyThis is an introduction to Resilient Pedagogy that was part of a workshop offered in September 2021. In this video Scott Schopieray and Bill Hart-Davidson discuss the notion of Resilient Pedagogy and…
From Scott Schopieray
10 plays
Who wants to watch that Zoom Recording Anyway? (Adapting a live session to an online asynchronous format)We often record our Zoom training session or classes, but does anyone really LIKE watching a long Zoom recording? How can you set up your reccorded Zoom sessions so that you also can use it for…
From Anne Baker
102 plays
EmotionLearn about how scientists study the brain in order to learn more about emotion. Try to identify different emotions yourself!
From Jenny Taylor
22 plays