01:51duration 1 minute 51 seconds
day 7 announcements WR sept 18-19
CSE 102 Announcements, Day 7, September 18-19
15:23duration 15 minutes 23 seconds
GEO330: Introduction to the Intermontane West…
GEO330: Introduction to the Intermontane West & MexAmerica
12:24duration 12 minutes 24 seconds
GEO330: Introduction to the Coastal South
03:18duration 3 minutes 18 seconds
Instructor Introduction: Michelle Bullock (US24,…
Instructor Introduction: Michelle Bullock (US24, GEO203)
Video welcome from the Summer 2024 GEO 203 Instructor: Michelle Bullock- MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.
00:47duration 47 seconds
Module 4 Intro zoom_4
18:56duration 18 minutes 56 seconds
Module 10 and Class update
03:29duration 3 minutes 29 seconds
GEO204: Welcome: Spring2024
03:40duration 3 minutes 40 seconds
GEO204: Welcome Summer 2023
03:35duration 3 minutes 35 seconds
GEO204 SS23 Introduction
05:58duration 5 minutes 58 seconds
GEO204: A Note about the Video Lectures
07:31duration 7 minutes 31 seconds
Welcome to HST 483: The Historiography of the…
Welcome to HST 483: The Historiography of the French Revolution
04:50duration 4 minutes 50 seconds
Overview Week 3 FS21
36:35duration 36 minutes 35 seconds
course intro video.mp4
06:50duration 6 minutes 50 seconds
Welcome to TE 842
13:39duration 13 minutes 39 seconds
week 4 intro video
17:37duration 17 minutes 37 seconds
week 3 intro video