Search for tag: "scores"
GEO 325, Video Microlecture: Unit 06 (Working with Spatial Data), Lesson 05 (Overlays), Video 2Lesson: Overlays, Video 2 Unit: Working with Spatial Data Geography 325: Geographic Information Systems Created by onGEO for the Department of Geography, Environment, & Spatial Sciences
From Beth Weisenborn
0 plays
Change Assignment Points to Fix Grades in D2LIf you need to change the maximum points on an assignment that you have already graded in D2L, there are different instructions to follow depending on if you have already changed maximum points on…
From Jennifer Wagner
64 plays
Modeling Land Suitability for Vitis vinifera in Michigan Using Advanced Geospatial Data and MethodsMichigan (MI) has a long history of diverse agricultural production. One of the most rapidly expanding and profitable agricultural crops, wine grapes (Vitis vinifera L.), has only been in cultivation…
From Esmaeil Nasrollahiazar
3 plays
Using propensity scores in Program EvaluationPresented by Valerie Anderson PhD November 5, 2020
From progeval Program Evaluation Masters
9 plays
ATLAS-PA promotional videoATLAS-PA, or the Access to Literacy Assessment System for Phonological Awareness, is a progress monitoring tool designed for children ages 3 to 7. Phonological awareness, the understanding of the…
From Sarah Goodwin
17 plays
STT 200 Normal Distributions 3STT 200 Normal Distributions 3 discusses the empirical rule and z-scores
From Camille Fairbourn
4,848 plays