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MNP SDO June Herpetology Amphibians*Michigan Naturalist Program Statewide Digital Overflow 2024: Unit Herpetology: Amphibians with Alexa Warwick, PhD, Michigan State University .
From Beth Clawson
33 plays
Vertical Mattress RHTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
35 plays
Vertical Mattress LHTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
10 plays
Simple Interrupted R HandTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
26 plays
Simple Interrupted L HandTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
12 plays
Instrument Tie R HandTo view all videos in the suture training series: thanks to Todd Moyerbrailean, DO, FACOOG for recording this…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
7 plays
Lactation Education Series Week 1: Introduction to Lactation - Benefits, How Lactation WorksAlthough lactation is natural, it is a learned skill. This four-part program is designed to give pregnant parents and their partners information on preparing to breast/chest feed and strategies for…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
12 plays
IBIO 445-730-Lecture 12_Behavior_Week 6This was a guest lecture for Animal Behavior in the first part of the summer - it's a bit longer than our other lectures (which is partly why I only have one for you this week!).
From Elizabeth Johnson
130 plays
Family Employee Resource Group: Talking with Children About RaceHow To Talk to Your Children About Race will help parents and other caregivers explore race and racism and its impacts on children. The presentation will include conversations about why engaging with…
From WorkLife Office WorkLife Office
5 plays