Search for tag: "kind"
Using AI to Enhance Your Teaching (Nov. 21, 2024)The education field is always filled with buzzwords, and AI has been on everyone's radar for the past two years. While the long-term impact of AI remains to be seen, most agree that it is not…
From Jay Loftus
12 plays
ODWODL - Mehmet Eroglu 11/07/2024Abandoned by the State: Deindustrialization, Informalization, and Coal Miners' Lives in Zonguldak, Turkey Presented By: Mehmet Eroglu, MSU Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial…
From libmedia MSU Libraries Media
3 plays
2024-10-28 Ortiz Math Ed Colloquium TalkDr. Nickolaus Ortiz, Assistant Professor at Georgia State University, is presenting Rejoicing gon’ rise without bound: Exploring the curricular and pedagogical implications concerning…
From Lisa Keller
7 plays
Colloquium - Michał Dereziński - October 3, 2024Speaker: Michał Dereziński, University of Michigan Title: Solving Large Linear Systems Without Constructing a Preconditioner Date/Time: Thursday, October 3, 2024, 10:20 AM - 11:10 AM ETAbstract:…
From stt MSU Department of Statistics and Probability
25 plays
MBA 802 Class 11 - 14:20Zoom Recording ID: 97774042463 UUID: lDbWdNuzT/e7c/PjjdxutA== Meeting Time: 2024-10-02 04:30:22pmGMT
From Kevin Markle
20 plays
Reforest Vine: Urban Forest Restoration*Wild About Conservation 2024 Reforest Vine: Urban Forest Restoration Project in the Vine neighborhood in the city of Kalamazoo, Michigan.
From Beth Clawson
59 plays
Tree Migration: How much assistance do they need?*2024 Wild About Conservation Tree Migration How much assistance do they need? with Georgia Peterson PhD, Michigan State University Extension.
From Beth Clawson
114 plays
MNP SDO June Herpetology Amphibians*Michigan Naturalist Program Statewide Digital Overflow 2024: Unit Herpetology: Amphibians with Alexa Warwick, PhD, Michigan State University .
From Beth Clawson
33 plays