Deer management and new repellent options in Christmas tree production Speaker: Dr. Rich Cowles, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Deer can cause significant damage for Christmas tree…
The ladies of Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority visit their family farms explain the farm duties. Jessica highlights her family’s cattle and crop farm and Megan interviews her dad…
In the session on March 8, MSU Extension weed scientists Christy Sprague and Erin Burns focused on “Weed Control—Effective Options for Tough Weeds at Different Price Points.”…
In the second session on Feb. 22, MSU Extension soybean educator Mike Staton focuses on “Improving Soybean Production Income.” The average soybean price for the 2020-2021 marketing year…
If you have irrigation, you have to do a few more steps. Watch this video to add those steps to what you've already learned. Access a full transcription of the video here:…
How to use the calculator. Access a full transcription of the video here: https://mediaspace.msu.edu/media/1_1f0h6giz
Comment about the marketing year average price: It's not fictional, really. It's real. And it's calculated the way Aleks describes starting @1:45. Access a full transcription of the…
Comment about the 2013-2017 yield average: If you did not plant that crop in some years, the average will be taken among the years the crop was planted. If you had catastrophic yields or can’t…