02:49duration 2 minutes 49 seconds
OnGEO-SPST: Concluding Remarks Video
Video that accompanies the Course Wrap-up and provides Concluding Remarks for all students in onGEO-SPST (Spatial Statistics) by Dr. Nathan Moore.
02:28duration 2 minutes 28 seconds
OnGEO-SPST: Welcome Video
Video that accompanies the Course Introduction and welcomes all students in onGEO-SPST (Spatial Statistics) by Dr. Nathan Moore.
03:19duration 3 minutes 19 seconds
Field work in Dr Schaetzl's undergraduate…
Field work in Dr Schaetzl's undergraduate Honors course
The Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences has a long history of including undergraduates in research. The most recent example is an undergraduate Honors seminar taught by…