Search for tag: "theory"

GEO113: Urban Agglomeration and Creativity

From  Juliegh Bookout 1 plays 0  

GEO113: Geographies of Development

From  Juliegh Bookout 4 plays 0  

IBIO 445-730-Lecture 1B_Course Intro_Week 1

From  Elizabeth Johnson 66 plays 0  

Leadership & Clinical Social Work Summer '24

From  Elizabeth Montemayor 25 plays 0  

HCM 804 - The Efficient Market Hypothesis

From  Broad LXD Team 30 plays 0  


From  Vincent Melfi 175 plays 0  

Colloquium Series 2023-2024 Dr. Ricardo Martinez

Dr. Ricardo Martinez, Assistant Professor at Pennsylvania State University, is presenting "The Praxis of Ethnic Studies as Ontological Playgrounds of Youth Liberation" on Wednesday, October…

From  Sofia Abreu 7 plays 0  

IBIO 445-730-Lecture 1A_Intro_Week 1

From  Elizabeth Johnson 88 plays 0  

CEP 345: Oral Language Foundations of Literacy Part 2

From  Gary Troia 103 plays 0  

Adi Adiredja Colloquium Talk March 2023

Aditya "Adi" Adiredja from the University of Arizona is presenting: Journey to "Anti-deficit Narratives." Captions were edited through the 8-minute mark.

From  Lisa Keller 12 plays 0  

SW 841 Selecting and Planning Interventions

From  Raelyn Elliott-Remes 66 plays 0  


From  Eric Torng 39 plays 0  

Chapter 6 Video

From  Stacy Smith 16 plays 0  

MIMN SDO Spatial Ecology*

Michigan Master Naturalist Statewide Digital Overflow: Spatial Ecology with Jeremy Jubenville.

From  Beth Clawson 58 plays 0  

SOC 100 Chapter 1b

From  Stacy Smith 16 plays 0  

IBIO 445-730-Lecture 1_Intro_Week 1

From  Elizabeth Johnson 101 plays 0