Search for tag: "volume"
How to Use a Serological PipetteLearn how to use a serological pipette, which is part of the distance learning investigation Estimating Microbial Population Size.
From Elizabeth Hedgecock
2 plays
How to use Serological PipetsFor more information, visit This video demonstrates the proper use of three common types of pipet pumps — tri-valve, syringe, and electronic —…
From Elizabeth Hedgecock
22 plays
Finding Journals for the Diciplinary Literacies Assignment, 2023This video talks about what finding journals in the library. It explores the difference between a single article and an entire journal.
From infolit Information Literacy Department
86 plays
Apple Thinning Models, PGRs, & Tree Row VolumeAs part of the 2021 Statewide Spring Tree Fruit Webinar Series, Todd Einhorn and Phil Schwallier present 'Apple Thinning Models, PGRs, & Tree Row Volume.'
From Anna Wallis
177 plays