In the final installment of the series, Marcelo Moretti (Oregon State University) and Joe Neil (North Carolina State University) cover recent weed control trials in Christmas trees.
This video covers weed management techniques for small-scale growers and includes: Tarping (Occultation/Solarization) Hand Tools for removing weeds Different kinds of mulches for weed suppression…
As part of the Spring 2020 Tree Fruit Webinar Series, Dr. Sushila Chaudhari of the Department of Horticulture and Dr. Julianna Wilson of the Department of Entomology at Michigan State University…
In the session on March 8, MSU Extension weed scientists Christy Sprague and Erin Burns focused on “Weed Control—Effective Options for Tough Weeds at Different Price Points.”…
If you have irrigation, you have to do a few more steps. Watch this video to add those steps to what you've already learned. Access a full transcription of the video here:…
Weed management and herbicide label changes are covered by Dr. Sushila Chaudhari from the MSU Department of Horticulture
Dr. Erin Burns discusses how weather stress can affect herbicide activity and how to design a program to improve your weed management by planning to buffer weather impacts. Future climate scenarios…
Breakfast meeting main presentation includes segments on: Marestail/horseweed management (0:00) by MSU Extension educator Bruce MacKellar Asiatic garden beetle (20:58) by MSU field crop entomologist…
MSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series Controlling Resistant and Troublesome Weeds 3-12-18 Dr. Christy Sprague
MSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series Interseeding Alfalfa Into Silage Corn 3/5/18 Drs. Erin Burns and Kim Cassida
MSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series
2017 Session 2, 2/20/17 Title: Controlling Weeds in Soybeans, Presenter: Dr. Christy Sprague
MSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series
2016 Session 6, 3/28/16 Title: Cover Crop Termination Strategies Presenter: Mike Plumer
MSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series 2016 Session 1, 2/22/16 Title: Overcoming Weed Management Challenges in 2016 Presenter: Dr. Christy Sprague
MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with small grains, Part 2 of 2" Date: January 26, 2015 Presenter: Jim Isleib, MSU Extension educator