And good evening folks, welcome to the new student orientation webinar series. My name is Laurin Gierman and I use she her pronouns. And you should be seeing a screen share from me tonight. I work with new student orientation here at Michigan State University. I have been an MSU team member for a little more than 20 years, and I also have a son who just finished his second year here at Michigan State. So we're really excited to have you join us tonight for the housing and dining sign up... for the housing and dining sign up webinar. So a couple of housekeeping notes. We are recording this session and it will be posted as soon as it is transcribed and translated. So actually give us a week or two to get that translation done. We will be translating into Spanish and Simplified Chinese to make this information as accessible as possible to as many families and students as possible. We are also live captioning via Zoom, so if you need that functionality, make sure to select that. Please use the Q&A function to submit general questions. We do have a team of folks on the back end of this webinar who will be answering questions as quickly as possible. Last week when we did this session, we had almost 500 questions and we clearly were not able to get to all of them. We were able to answer about 200, but be patient with us. And because of Zoom bombing, you will only be able to see those questions which have been answered. So the chat is unavailable. We will also be sending you a chat with some links and things throughout the evening. But use that Q and a function and watch and see what questions others are asking as well. And so we do thank you for joining us virtually for these webinars. These webinars are key to a successful transition to MSU. So please make sure to view the schedule of webinar topics and submit questions ahead of time for the remaining webinars using the question submission link also on the webinar page. And we would now like to recognize, respect, and affirm the ongoing relationship between Indigenous people and the land. Alright, hang on folks. Okay, Thank you for joining us tonight. And with that, let's move to today's topic. We're really excited to talk about housing and dining sign up and have an overview of those processes. And I'm thrilled to have our partners in residential and hospitality services join us tonight. So team and take it away. Thank you. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome, everyone. My name is Jacquez Gray and my pronouns are he him his. Here at Michigan State I am Community Director in Holmes Hall. So we're so excited for you all to be here and to answer all your questions about what it means to live on campus. With me today, I have several colleagues that I would like them to introduce themselves. But before we do that, there should be a poll that will pop up on your screen at about 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, maybe it's there, it'll be coming up soon. So you all can participate in that, that will be awesome. And so I'm I have my colleagues introduce themselves. I'm going to pass it over to Leah. Thank you. My name is Leah Ball. I am with Michigan State University culinary services, so I'll be sharing dining information tonight and answering your questions on that topic. So thank you for joining us, either live tonight or if you're watching the recording after. Now, I'm going to kick it over to Becky. Hello everyone. My name is Becky Brewer. I'm the Assistant Director for Outreach in residential education and housing services. And I use she her pronouns. Thanks for joining us. Okay. So we're going to go ahead and get started. So Live On and Eat At State are housing and dining brands at MSU. Today we will go over all things related to living at MSU as you prepare to sign up for fall 2021 housing. So first, what is Live On, right? So Live On team encompasses several units that students will interact with during their time on campus while they're living here. The housing assignments office is available if your student needs assistance managing their housing options through my housing account, or if they have questions about on-campus housing options in general. Our in-house staff, which includes our residence education, maintenance, and facilities team, will be on-site to support your student by providing student development opportunities and world-class service in the residence halls system to promote student academic success here at Michigan State. The service centers in each hall is your one-stop shop. It's a check-in, check-out. You get pick up your mail, grab any temporary keys, access cards, exchanging linens, checking out a vacuum, anything you can think of, the service center will be able to help you. The culinary service team, who you will hear from in a bit, is here to provide an intricate food experience that emphasizes culinary excellence. And it focuses on healthful food options and sustainable food practices while also enhancing community development. So what kind of support can you all expect from us when you're living on campus? So in terms of support, our Residence Education team has multiple levels to assist on-campus students. We have resident assistants and professional staff that foster safe and supportive communities and assists with learning and personal growth. Resident assistants and intercultural aides are undergraduate students trained in communication and conflict management to help students transition to college, as well as learn about the world around them. These resources will play a pivotal role in supporting students during their years on campus. Yep, you heard it right! I said years, as in multiple. So beginning with students who start at MSU in Fall 2021, the on-campus living requirement will be extended to include a second year. You can learn more all about that on our website. at We want to ensure that every student admitted to MSU has the opportunity to learn, thrive, and graduate, by offering activities related to providing a supportive environment, a sense of belonging and safety, residential learning, and financial well-being. Now by us reinstating the second year live on requirement and combining it with this strategic programming, MSU believes it can further increase students' persistence and graduation. So how does this impact first year students? Let me tell you. Well, for starters, first-year students will not experience the stress of searching for off campus living arrangement in the first six weeks of being on campus. Now, there will be expectations. I mean, there will be exceptions, I'm sorry, to the requirement. and any student believing they qualify, can submit exemptions requests to MSU student life. Additionally, a campus implementation team is working on approval criteria for group housing as options for second year students and updates will all be shared throughout the semester. One of the programs we're proud to continue is our Spartan Compass program. Spartan Compass offers first-year students not already living in a living learning community with resources and programming that encourages inclusive community building and helps foster a successful transition into our Spartan community. The Spartan Compass program hosts events addressing first-year students needs, staffs specifically trained RAs and support staff, promotes connecting to campus community and provides additional resources and opportunities to solidify the foundational, the foundation that's needed to be successful as a Spartan. Students here face new challenges and pressures in a second year, right? So including social changes, academic adjustments, and real-world growth opportunities. With the two-year live on requirement we are there to continue supporting students through that process by meeting them in their second year. Another way that we're focusing on our students success, is through support. And we have a campaign called Hate Has No Home Here. That is a pledge. Our department is committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and safe environment for Spartans living in our on-campus residential housing community. We work through the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice to build communities that encourage personal growth, relationship building and academic success. In fact, in 2018, RHS began the Hate Has No Home Here at MSU. This campaign and pledge underline our commitment to keep hate out of our own campus. We, as a department of residence education and housing services, have reflected upon our fundamental mission to foster a diverse, inclusive and safe environment for all students living in our communities through training programs, departmental initiatives, skill-building opportunities form, facilitating difficult conversations and promoting an abundance of resources within our university community. As you can tell, we prioritize students safety and security. All living wings are secured 24 hours a day. Residence rooms have peepholes, hard wired smoke detectors, fire rated doors and suppression systems. There are emergency phones on all floors, as well as throughout campus that function as a two-way communication system with the MSU police department. So now let's talk about some of our room options and what you can expect when you move in this fall. So the majority of the incoming students live in what we call a double room. A room that houses two students, right? Seems self-explanatory. But all residential rooms are fully furnished with loftable furniture and equipped with utilities and wifi. While most of the rooms on campus are similar in style and layout, bathroom style can differ between shared four-person suites or community style by living wing. So let's go through them. So suite style: First, we have our traditional suite style room. These are rooms in which four students are split into two rooms and share a co- joining bathroom; It is very similar to Jack and Jill. Now speaking of this while at service centers provide garbage bags and toilet paper to students, residents of these rooms are responsible for maintaining their spaces. Next, we have our community style. In community style spaces residents are split into wings and share one large community bathroom in each wing. These bathrooms are cleaned and maintained frequently by university staff. There is also a family and guest private bathroom available in the hallway as well. Next is our quad style, and this is the last option that we offer. And this is only available in Akers Hall, which is in East neighborhood. Now these rooms are comprised of four residents sharing a subdivided space that hosts both a bathroom and and living area within the room. Like our suite style, although our service centers provide garbage bags and toilet paper to students, residents of these rooms are responsible for maintaining their spaces. Now, we really want you to eat here. We want you to live here. And we want you to succeed here. Our Spartans are heavily involved on campus and many of those opportunities happen right within their own neighborhood. We're proud to serve and look forward to supporting students this fall and beyond. Now we're going to transition to Cheryl to talk a little bit about what it means to Eat At State here at Michigan State University. Go ahead, Cheryl. Thank you. It's actually Leah tonight. We have several of these in the series, so my colleague, Cheryl helps out with some of the presentations as well. So we're excited to welcome you to campus and introduce you to Eat At State's vast food offerings. So throughout campus you'll find options within residential and retail dining. This includes all you care to eat locations, Grab and Go, and mobile ordering. As part of the housing selection process, you choose from one of the three dining plans. So that's the silver, gold, or platinum. All of them include unlimited access to all you care to eat locations. So this means you'll have access to any dining hall as many times as you'd like during our open hours. The difference between the three plans is the Spartan cash and the guest meal passes that are included with two of the plan options. So that's the gold and the platinum. Spartan Cash is a declining balance account provided to MSU students, faculty, and staff. So it works similar to a debit card and money can be reloaded onto your ID card by phone, in person or online. So something I like to share with people is that if you do choose the silver plan, which doesn't automatically include Spartan cash, you can still add that to the student's card at any time. You can also check your balance online at any time so that you know how much funds you have remaining. Spartan cash can be used at more than 100 locations on campus and in the local area. We do have a listing of those locations available on our website. Within each neighborhood, a team of trained chefs craft menus and prepare chef, I mean scratch made selections on a daily basis. So they're working to oversee food safety standards and maintaining the highest quality of service throughout that process. From hall to hall the menus vary and the selections are changing all the time, so Spartans will never have to worry about finding something to satisfy them. We're dedicated to serving those with dietary and religious restrictions as well. So we also help out individuals that are looking to make healthier food choices. Within each of our dining halls, there is a chef preparing and producing the menus and overseeing the food quality. We also have a registered dietitian who's available to help those who may have concerns or restrictions. So together, our chefs and our dietitian work with Spartans to ensure their needs are being met. Our team takes a lot of pride in their dedication to nutrition and allergens. Our dietitian, Kelsey Patterson, is on campus to assist with individual meetings and tours. There are many additional resources to ensure your Spartan dines safely. We have built a great partnership with MSU's resource center for persons with disabilities, as well as our housing team. We have more than 900 team members who have gone through allergy training. So you can be assured that we are well equipped to serve a variety of restrictions. We offer accommodations in all of our dining locations to ensure safety, such as menu signs at all our points of service that note allergens, the ability to see all of the ingredients listed online through a tool called MSUtrition, which also allows you to filter by specific allergens, and each dining hall also has an area dedicated to allergen conscious items. While there are options available in all our dining halls, Thrive is our newest pride point and a unique all you care to eat location that's certified free from the big 8 allergens, 8 allergens, that is, plus gluten. This hidden gem has become a popular option for students, faculty, staff, and the community who have sought out safe dining spaces. If you have a specific need, we encourage you to communicate with us directly. The best way to do that is to reach out to our dietitian. And I'll throw a few helpful links in the chat for the group to see once I'm done with this portion of the presentation. So we're always happy to help with those things. Something that I want to mention as well with the three dining plan options. So each of the plans also includes 12 combo exchange meals per week. This benefit is commonly referred to as cx. You can use these as a meal access at any of our retail locations across campus including Sparty's market, Starbucks, Panda Express, Biggby coffee and Panera Bread, to name a few. Cx is a wildly popular part of our dining program because of the flexibility and convenience it offers. So an example of a Cx meal might be a grain bowl, a yogurt, and a bottled beverage from Sparty's Market. Or if a student were to visit Starbucks, they could get any tall handcrafted beverage from the menu paired with a bakery item. So now I'll turn it over to Becky and I'm going to head to see if anybody had any questions for me as well. Thanks so much Leah. I'm super excited for the, and my students are, for the Panda option to be added to Combo this year so we can get our orange chicken and it's just so many options with the meal plan. So thank you very much. My portion is a fun bundle. I'm excited to chat about this with you. The focus of this, the series of webinars is really the housing sign-up process which is happening this month. And so I wanted to share that it's going to look a little bit different than it has in past cycles. And so if you have an older student that may have already gone through the MSU housing selection process. Or you have some awareness of how it worked in the past. It's going to be a little bit different this year. So, this year students are going to receive an assigned 24 hour window. And if a student would like to select their space, they have to do it within those 24 hours. So students who do not select a space will randomly be assigned a space for fall of 21. So you want to make sure that you know your assignment window and that you're in the system selecting your space during that time. And you, your student's information...their 24 hour window is in their My Housing. So we've already done step 1. In late May, we sent an email from Live On to students talking about when their housing, how to access their 24 hour window, and to start the sign-up process, by logging into their my housing account. Time slots are randomly assigned across all new students and available spaces are evenly distributed across the time slots to make the process as fair as possible to all students. So again, the first step is to go into the My Housing account, sign-up town times are available. Students in an LLC will have either June 7th or June 9th sign-up time and we'll talk a little bit more about LLCs and how those work, living learning communities, in a moment. General students will have a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday sign-up time between June 14th and June 20th, excuse me, June 30th. So again, time slots are randomly assigned across all new students and available spaces are going to be evenly distributed across those time slots. So then during your 24 hour window, you're going to be able to select any open space. So the spaces that you see that are available to you, you can select. If you are selecting with a chosen roommate, and I know that folks have tons of questions about roommates, so we're going to get into more detail there as well, you're going to enter their information into the system and it will show your options for you and that chosen roommate together. If you're selecting without a roommate, the system will show open single spaces. And if you do not select a room during your window or you weren't pulled in as a roommate by someone else, you'll be randomly assigned a place by MSU housing. Once your room is selected and you receive a confirmation e-mail outlining your choices, then your roommate information, if you don't already know who that person is, will be shared in July and you'll meet your suite mates at move in. Their information isn't shared before that time. So the next thing we wanted to talk about is RCPD accommodations, which stands for the resource center for persons with disabilities. That's an important office at MSU that handles accommodations of all kinds, academic as well as housing. And so if you would like a housing accommodation, you'll need to register with the resource center for persons with disabilities. And so you can see the link to that site there. And this is important because some, some students may say, well, I don't have a disability, but let's say this summer maybe you injure your arm. They also work with folks who have temporary things as well. And so the resource center for persons with disabilities is available to assist all students regardless of the need or the duration of that need. We also want to talk about gender inclusive housing. So we're very pleased to offer gender inclusive housing to our new and returning students. It means that in select spaces, students from all gender identities and expressions can choose housing that affirms those identities, and they may choose to live together. To sign up for gender inclusive housing, the spaces are going to be spread in most cases throughout the building. But in Wonders and McDonel halls, there are floors where gender inclusive spaces are concentrated. And those communities in Wonders and McDonel are going to have intentional education, staffing, and support for residents in those gender inclusive spaces. So in this next part, we're going to have a poll. If everybody could take a moment and respond. We wanted to talk a little bit more and take a deeper dive into living learning communities. Each living learning community has different guidelines when it comes to the rules as to who is allowed to live in and if you can have a roommate who is not part of the LLC, the Living Learning Community. And so if you're not sure, maybe you're listening to this and you're like, am I part of a living learning community? I don't know that I know what that is. Totally normal. We get that question all the time. LLC students actually today, if you're watching this live, got an email about three hours ago from Live On. And so if you're watching this recording, just sort of filter for today's date, which is June 2nd. But all students in LLCs got that email earlier today, so you can check for that. But each of the LLCs make their own rules about roommates. And so you'll want to visit the list of guidelines and you can see the link is displayed there. If you do not wish to be part of the LLC, you need to contact the program directly, prior to sign up. So we're sharing the poll results. You can see there the list of some of our, our common largest LLC providers, although there are a few others. And see? so a good number of folks know that they're part of an LLC. Some know that they're not and other folks are still wondering whether or not their academic program or they're part of an LLC. So for our next piece, I wanted to talk about neighborhood spaces for new students. New students are going to live across campus. MSU has five neighborhoods. It's part of, part of our identity as Spartans. So five distinct neighborhoods, each has the same amenities available, and services. But new students will be living in all neighborhoods. So the spaces will be spread across campus. I really recommend that as you're thinking about what is your first choice for housing, that you explore all the neighborhoods and have some backup choices. Because if your first choice isn't available, again, you have that 24 hour window to make a selection. You want to be sure to know for yourself and possibly talk with a roommate that you might want to pull in. What, you know, what, backup choices might be. We are reserving one tower of Hubbard Hall for quarantine and isolation housing needs for next year. But the other tower of Hubbard will be available for new students sign up. And so Jacquez has talked about how some halls are community style and some are suite style. Fun fact, everything north of the river on MSU's campus is community style. Everything south of the river is suite. And so Hubbard is a suite style hall. So you may see open spaces in Hubbard when you go in for your 24 hour sign up window. We know that folks have lots of questions about roommates. And so MSU has partnered with My College Roomie to offer roommate matching for incoming Spartans. Many of you have probably already been working or looking for folks and meeting folks through the My College Roomie process. It's tailored specifically for MSU and offered to students free of charge. So we have another poll. My colleagues will post that for us. Rverybody can start responding to those questions, but we just want to understand a little bit about your current plans for roommates. While we're answering that, I want to explain the roommate code process in order to pull in a roommate or be pulled in by someone that you've chosen to live with. You'll need a roommate code and their email and their dining plan choice. So I'm going to repeat that you need three things. You need the roommate code. their MSU email and their dining plan choice. And so students create their roommate code in their My Housing account. And this is a screenshot of where you actually click in My Housing to create a roommate code. And then you can share that with the person that you intend to live with. A roommate code can be anything you can remember. It can be numbers or words. It looks like about 58% of people have already found a roommate they plan on living with, some folks are still searching, and some folks want to be randomly assigned. So thank you for sharing those thoughts. But a few examples of anything memorable for a roommate code could be, you know, 1855, the year Michigan State was founded, go green, Sparty, something like that. So you give that code to the person selecting your room, along again with your MSU email address and your dining plan choice, and they'll be able to pull you in as a roommate. So once you make a roommate selection, your room is final and your roommate will not be able to select during their time. So let's say I pull in someone. The person I pull in will not be able to go in during their 24 hour window to Select. Same is true the other way around. So if I'm pulled in by someone, I won't be able to go in and make another selection during my 24 hour window. So if you select a room without a chosen roommate, you won't be able to add one later. Your roommate will be randomly assigned and you'll receive their information, as we talked about, in July. Suite mates, we've had lots of questions around suite mates. Thank you for submitting those. If you have more than one person that you would like to live with, a quad-style room in Akers is your best option. Quad is four people, and fully open suites, or the availability to select suite mates is going to be very limited. During selection, if you don't see an open quad or suite, your group will need to split up. And then we wanted to talk also about health and safety. And so being part of the MSU community means we take personal responsibility in order to protect the health and safety of ourselves and one another. And Jacquez talked about the green light phones and he talked about the fire rated doors and the keys. All kinds of things to keep us safe. If you want to learn more about the health and safety information, particularly as it relates to COVID protocols, feel free to visit our website and it's listed on the slide. Move in. The hits just keep coming with so much good information to share with you today. I hope you're finding it helpful. So move in for fall of 21 is going to take place between August 26th and 29th. First-year students will primarily move in August 28th and 29th. At this time, there isn't an option to arrive before August 26th. And more information about your students specific move in dates and times are going to be shared mid-July. International students, I know we have folks zooming in from overseas, can move in anytime after Monday, on or after Monday, August 23rd. If you're arriving between the 23rd and 25th of August, you'll be charged the daily housing rate for your stay and you'll be able to pay for individual meals excuse me, in the dining hall. And so more information about booking an early arrival before August 26th will be shared mid June. Next, I would like to talk about on-campus employment. One of the biggest things about the Live On experience is the people, and you're meeting some of us tonight. But the folks that really are, I think the heart of the Live On experience who are not in the room are our student team members. And so we have a variety of job opportunities for students, undergraduate students at all levels. There are everything from our resident assistants to our facilities team members, at the service center representatives, culinary positions, ushers, live on crew, tour guides - So many different positions available. And we're always seeking motivated and caring individuals to be part of our team. So if you would like to get experience, if you would like to network with folks in the professional setting, if you'd like to earn money to help you pay for college or other expenses or study abroad. We also have career opportunities and student supervisor position. So multiple promotion opportunities available. We would love to hear from you. We'll be hiring thousands of folks throughout the course of the year and we'd be delighted to chat with you about what might be a fit with your interests and skill set. So what's next, right? What can we expect? Throughout the summer we do a lot of student family communication, and you can see a few of those displayed on your screen. Keep an eye on your mailbox. The next two things, the student guide and the Move In Guide are going to be the next things that you'll receive. You're also going to receive bi-weekly emails from Live On detailing everything that you need to know prior to move in. So please check your MSU e-mail regularly. Also our website is your go-to resource. We will be updating that throughout the summer with new information and new materials for you to be sure to get the latest from Live On. So with that, we want to take some questions live. I'm going to turn this over to my colleague, Bethany, who's going to moderate the Q and A period. Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us and thank you to my colleagues for presenting so much information tonight. All right, Where do we want to start? I am going to start with sorry, you'd think I'd be more prepared for this. I really do appreciate your questions that have come to the women answering in the Q and A So I have a question for Becky. Becky, when do we find out on the costs for housing and dining and where do we find that information? Oh, I'd suggest visiting Live On for housing rates as well as you can also see that on your student bills, which I believe come out later in the summer as well, and everything's delineated so you can see that whole picture. But yes, I would encourage you to check out Live On. I think some folks if I could infer maybe into the question, what I mentioned, a daily rate that's for booking early arrivals. So your room and board is billed on a semesterly basis. So if you arrive early, that's the daily rate that I was mentioning. So if you have further questions, pop into the Q&A and we'll clarify. Thank you very much for that. And then Leah, if I can ask you to come back into the session with us? Would you mind recapping again, some of those places where students will be able to check out our retail dining facilities outside of the dining halls? Yeah, absolutely. So as I mentioned before, all three of the plans, regardless of which one a student chooses, include 12 combo exchange meal accesses per week. They can use as many as they would like an a day. So there's no daily limit on that, but from Sunday through Saturday they'll have 12 available. So some of the locations those can be used include Starbucks, Sparty's Market. We have a variety of Sparty's mini-markets on campus as well. Many of those are located within residence halls, so they are very easy for students to access. And then this coming fall, we are also adding some of our food service partners on campus to combo exchange, which we're very excited about. So many of those can be found at the International Center. So Panda Express, Subway, Woody's Oasis. We also have a sushi location called Fugison, and then Panera Bread is included as well. They're located in the Minskoff Pavilion. There's a lot of different options for students to use those combo meals. Thank you so much. I'm going to switch it over to a question for Jacquez. So while we hope that roommates, particularly those that haven't met each other before, have a great roommate relationship through their time at MSU. What advice do you have for our students who find that there's a little bit of conflict or they have to work through some disagreements once they're here on campus. Such a good question, I think, you know, don't fret. This is something that happens all the time. Something that we deal with often. And we do have RAs who do live on every floor and every wing. And so if there is ever an issue or a disagreement or something like that, you can always reach out to your resident assistant and they are trained and will help guide you through how to have a difficult conversation. In our halls we also have a roommate agreements where you can lay out some of your expectations in the beginning. So if you say You know what, I don't want you using my toothbrush. Okay. Let's write that down. You know what I'm saying? So like little things like that that you won't expect folks to have an issue about, right? We encourage you all to write those things down. Hey, I go to sleep at this time. I like to wake up at this time. And so there is some type of mutual agreement between the two. Your RA will reach out to you about a roommate agreements, so it's nothing that you need to worry about right now. The RA is tasked to do that within the first six weeks. And so you'll have that conversation. But don't fret, you know, move on campus, have fun. And if things do arise, we can figure it out, we can handle it. Thank you so much, Jacquez. Becky, I'm going to bring it back over to you. So as people are getting out and about a little more this summer, they're wondering about campus tour options. Can you share the state of campus tours right now? Absolutely. Campus tours are out of our shop in housing in partnership with the Office of Admissions. And so all admitted and deposited students have the opportunity to tour. And we've even opened it up to perspective students. So I would like to share and emphasize that tours are outdoor only for the safety of our guests and our staff. But undergraduate tour guides who are very knowledgeable leaders on campus and really engaging storytellers will help you understand what it means to be a Spartan at Michigan State, as well as some of those pieces like wayfinding and understanding what services are available. So if you Google Visit MSU it'll take you to admissions link, which might feel strange because y'all are already admitted. But you can sign up for a campus tour through the admissions portal and plan a visit to Michigan State yet this summer. Thanks for the question. Thank you. And for those watching live, I did put the, for our residence halls specific, I put our virtual tours link here in the chat. We have some 360 degree tours of some select rooms across all the neighborhoods on campus. We also have neighborhood video tours on our YouTube accounts, so please check those out. And let's jump over to... I'm going to pitch this over to Katie Nye from our communications team. And Katie, what is the latest vaccination requirement at MSU? Currently there is not a vaccination requirement and the students are welcome to disclose that information in their My College Roomie account as they're looking for roommates. We're not verifying that information at this time. And should that change over the summer, you will receive information from the university directly. Thank you, Katie. Yes, please. Everyone, please keep going to the MSU homepage and clicking on that together we will link on COVID vaccinations. And other vaccination requirements are done at the university level. So that's the information we have today. We do expect to receive more guidance as we go through the summer months. And then who do I want to ask this one too? I'm going to ask Becky. So if students as they're receiving this LLC email today are like, Oh, I did not know I was a part of an LLC and I'm not sure I want to be. Where would she you they go for how to opt out of that or to ask for information about their LLC? Yeah, thanks for the question. I think there's like two pieces and if folks want to back me up on these, some LLCs are tied to your major. And so if you - for example, engineering, if you are a first year engineering student and you want to be an engineering student, but you don't want to live in CoRe, which is the College of Engineering residential experience. You would reach out to CoRe and say, I want to be an engineering student, but I don't want to live here. Is that possible? If you don't want to be an engineering student, you want to change your major, then you change your major at the University. And your housing would flow from there and then reach out to us in housing. So if there's any pieces that I missed, feel free to back me up colleagues on the call. I think that's great, Becky. Yes. On the LLC guide page that we've shared, that's a great point of contact for seeing the specific Living Learning Community web pages and reaching out to them. But everyone is always welcome to contact the housing assignments office as well, and to get more information that way. For our students who, I'm going to go back to Becky, for our students who have more than one roommate that they're trying to house with whether that's another roommate or suite mate, can we go over again what their options are? Yes. If you have more than one roommate that you're interested in living with, we're going to suggest that you look at Akers Hall, which has quads, four students to a room. If you see when you pull in those roommate codes for those other folks, you'll see what's available. It's likely you'll see Akers, so I think you should plan for that. You can see they're displaying the quad style room. It's unique to Akers Hall, which is in East neighborhood, which has amazing dining and all sorts of wonderful amenities. So if you, if you want to pull in more than one roommate, we would suggest that you plan for Akers. Thank you. Leah, I'm going to come back to you for a culinary question. There was an earlier communication that said that combo exchange maximum per week was six. And tonight we said 12. Can you confirm the latest number for everybody? I can. So we, we decided to increase that number to 12 to give students some additional flexibility, especially as we're adding those food service partners that I mentioned earlier across campus. So we will also be transitioning two of our locations, Holden and Holmes, to grab and go. So they'll offer enhanced grab-and-go options that are pre-packaged and ready for students to grab. This includes both hot and cold selections. So because we'll be making some changes and adding some exciting new options, we want to provide students with some additional flexibility. So we decided to increase the number and give them the option to check out a lot of those locations throughout the week. Thank you. All right. Going back to a question for Becky. So the two-year Live On requirement, Jacquez talked about that a little bit, but Becky, I know being part of the question and answer team for this a couple times, we've got some questions about the second year option. So we're fast-forwarding the first year and getting to the second year. If students are thinking about joining a sorority or fraternity, are those going to be options in the second year? Living requirement? Yeah, thanks for the question, Bethany. Students are going to have more options their second year. That's been a key question that we've been getting. And so apartments come into play. Halls that have meal-plan optional options come into play. And we are looking with off-campus community living arrangements, including co-ops and fraternity and sorority housing arrangements. And they'll be, my understanding, a vetting process to make sure that the same kinds or levels of support that happened in the residence halls is happening in that community. Then it may count for the second year requirement. So our implementation team is looking into those items and we'll have that information for sure, and available in advance of second-year Sign Up next year. Great. Thank you. But while you're here, I'm going to ask you one more question and that is... we talked about the linen pack option earlier tonight. Can you share a little bit more about these? Did we say free linens? Is that a service that we provide? Yes. So if students are interested in that, they can check with their service center or at move-in check-in to receive more information about that. Thank you. I'm going to ask another question to Katie, and that is for those - we saw there was a number of students still looking for a roommate and they're looking at My College Roomie, but they don't see the email that was supposed to come from My College Roomie. What do you suggest they do? Yeah, so I'm going to pop a link in our chat with a link to our website, which has a link to take you to My College Roomie, which you can use and access your account that way. If you have any trouble at all with My College Roomie, they have a really great support system through their website and you can contact them for assistance, but you should be able to access via the link I'm going to pop in the chat right now. Great. Thank you. And question for Becky, for those who are looking at larger items they want to bring for move in. I will just say this because I think some people have caught on. We're not working with College Products anymore for micro fridge rentals. For this year that is no longer a company were affiliated with, we're researching other options. So we know students are looking at, well, how do I get fringes and microwaves? Do we give the option to send those ahead of move in or does everybody have to bring all their stuff on move-in day? Yeah. For a few years now we've identified a date that folks can have their items direct shipped to themselves before their arrival and we've arranged to securely store those. And so I would encourage you to take a look at the move in guide that will be sending you, as well as more communication throughout the summer. But that's something that we've been pleased to offer in the past. And Bethany, we're planning on doing that again this year, is my understanding, correct? That is correct. Thank you so much. All right. We're really chugged through the questions. I'm trying to make sure there aren't any that haven't been answered in the Q and A. I'm going to do this one as a free for all whoever jumps in please go ahead. So if students have selected their dining plan during room selection and they realized they want to change that. Do we know what the options are to change that and if there's a deadline. Yeah. So students can change their dining plans up until move in. After that, they will be locked into their dining plan for all fall semester and then they could change it again at spring semester if needed. Thank you, Katie. Jacquez, I'm going to ask a question to you and that is does MSU have a guide for what students should be planning to bring to campus for move in. Yes. So if you visit our website, you can go ahead and find out what you need to bring and what not to bring. There are certain things that we don't allow in the halls that have coils and things like if you're trying to cook. So it's specific things that you can't bring. But if you visit our website, we will be able to supply the whole list for you. Thank you so much. Katie, do we know approximately when students will be selecting their second year housing? So right now, we don't. We're working on that. And we will contact all of our incoming students with that information in the fall. So just be sure to keep checking your e-mail and we will contact you this fall. Thank you. And yes, we know in the past returning student sign up has been late October, early November. We know it will not be that for early, so everybody can take a breath, get moved in, and then look for information from us later in the fall. And with that I'm going to see if any of our speakers tonight have any final closing words. And then we'll wrap this and give this back to NSO. If all of you have an Instagram account, I really recommend that you follow MSU Live On on Instagram. We do a lot of Q and A's like this weekly to talk and answer your questions in Instagram stories and we share a lot of information and just remind you to check your email and things like that. So if you're not following us, be sure to follow MSU Live On on Instagram. Jacquez here again, pronouns he, him, his. This is an exciting time and we are so excited to welcome you all here to Michigan State. We're doing a lot of work on the back end, and we know that, you know, things have been difficult this past year. We all have been through a lot, but we're so excited to welcome our students back and to program and to have events and to really do things to build community here. So hopefully if you decide to live in Holmes Hall, you will see your boy in there. You know, the best community director out there. Don't tell anybody. But we, again, the RAs, our student staff, our service center workers, our graduate students - we're so ready and we're so honored and happy to welcome you all back. So I hope you all choose Michigan State, and I hope you actually come. Thanks everyone again for joining us tonight and for those who are watching the recording after, I did want to just reiterate some information about nutrition and allergens and also anything that you may have as far as religious restrictions, anything like that. I would encourage you to connect with our dietitian Kelsey. I did throw a link in the chat earlier for our nutrition and allergens page, which has a lot of great information on it as well. So if you do have any of those food allergies or restrictions, I would encourage you to definitely reach out to her prior to coming to campus and she can provide personalized information for you. Thanks again for joining us. Thanks again from everybody here in housing and dining and the whole hospitality division. I think the key hopefully takeaway that you have is that we really do care about your success as a student or your student's success if you're here as a family member or support person. And we just really want to take care of those basic things, those essential things so that your student can focus on that extraordinary paper, that idea or that internship and the preparation for life after Michigan State. So we're delighted to have you join us and to be here at the front door. Stay tuned. We are coming back as a team in August for another slate of webinars like this one, focused around move in. So be sure to continue to work on your housing selection. Let us know if you have questions. Continue to work through your orientation advising, and enrollment. And I'm going to turn it back to Laurin and we will see you in August. Thank you so much, Becky. And thanks to the entire team from RHS, you are a well oiled machine and it is a joy and a privilege to work with you all. So thank you very much. I am now sharing my screen with the upcoming sessions. You will notice that this weekend, the top of your screen, Saturday and Sunday, on Saturday morning at eight AM Eastern, we will be talking academic advising and enrollment. And on Sunday we will repeat this session with housing and dining at one PM Eastern. And then next week we start a new round of topics with financial aid and student accounts and billing, and then the MSU police department and parking office. And so I saw quite a few questions about both of those topics in tonight's Q and A. So make sure you tune in starting next week, to those webinars to get your questions answered. And then after each webinar, students are encouraged to bring their questions for Spartan Leaders, our current MSU students who are hosting some chat space via Zoom. They are not subject matter experts, but they certainly will answer your questions based on their own experiences. And the links to the Zoom are in the newsletter from Friday, May 21st. Students go back to your email, open up that newsletter from May 21st, and you'll find the link to the Zoom chat space. And then the QR code that you'll also see. That is for you to enter your student's MSU e-mail address, must be the MSU email address to be entered to win a random drawing. Each email can only be used once and we in NSO will notify the winner via MSU e-mail and prizes will be redeemed in fall semester. So thank you. Again. We appreciate that you spent your evening with us and we are here to help and we are truly so excited to be able to welcome you come August. So make sure that you are checking out orientation. Make sure that you're coming to our Zoom help room during the day. If there's anything we can help you with. We hope you've enjoyed today's session and we'll look forward to sharing more information with you in the future at additional NSO webinars. So for tonight, have a great night and Go Green.

NSO Webinar - Housing and Dining Sign-up Overview 6.2.2021

From Laurin Gierman June 3rd, 2021    

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