Search for tag: "astronomy"
ISP 205L Extra Credit Lab 10 Educational VideoHere is my final lab for ISP 205L. In this video, I quickly overview how the solar system formed, inspired by our observations of planets such as Uranus back in the beginning of the semester.
From Mason Allen
4 plays
Standard_Candles_Info_Video_Lab_10This is a video I made for my astronomy lab explaining standard candles and how we can use them to measure the distance of stars that are both inside and outside of the Milky Way Galaxy.
From Alexis Moskowitz
8 plays
Ch 14.2a: What is a neutron star?Transcript: Hello everyone, in this mini-lecture we're going to talk about neutron stars. Neutron stars are the dead remnants left over from the supernovae of stars that were initially 8-20…
From Abigail Stevens
10 plays
4-H Science: Astronomy and the Star WheelTo paraphrase Plato, let the stars lead us from this world to the next. For thousands of years, all the peoples of the world have looked to the skies and found stories amongst the stars. Perseus and…
From Aaron Myers
3 plays
Accessible Learning Experiences 02/24/2017It is the responsibility of instructors to ensure that students with disabilities can access their course content. From creation to remediation, this discussion will focus on case studies and…
From Rachael Harris
22 plays
Hoophouse management, February 13, 2017MSU Extension 2017 Beginning Farmer Webinar Series, "Getting started with hoophouse management", February 13, 2017, Presenter: Collin Thompson, Michigan State University Extension Educator…
From James D Isleib
407 plays