Search for tag: "basics"

D2L Basics for Students

Date of session: August 29, 2023 Description: D2L Brightspace is one of the main technologies used at MSU to deliver online and remote classes. Come learn the basics of using D2L as a student and…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 86 plays 0  

D2L Basics for Instructors (08.24.22)

This informational webinar covers the basics of D2L, including an overview of the interface, how to create and manage the grade book, creating discussion forums, assignments and quizzes and uploading…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 59 plays 0  

MLA Style - 9th Edition

Brief overview of formatting and citation using MLA 9th Edition. Created August 5, 2021. Revised July 18, 2022.

From  infolit Information Literacy Department 242 plays 0  

IT Virtual Workshop - Adding Annotations in Camtasia

Clip from MSU IT virtual workshop on Camtasia. For more information on how to download and use Camtasia, self-enroll in the MSU Tools & Technologies course:…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 5 plays 0  

IT Virtual Workshop - Importing Media into Camtasia

Clip from MSU IT virtual workshop on Camtasia. For more information on how to download and use Camtasia, self-enroll in the MSU Tools & Technologies course:…

From  Instructional Technology and Development 20 plays 0  

VM 537-Marketing Basics II

From  Donna Harris 134 plays 0  

Profiling C++ Code

From  Emily Dolson 664 plays 0  

VM 509-Veterinary licensing basics

From  Donna Harris 203 plays 0  

Zoom: Virtual Backgrounds

From  conaiss College of Nursing AISS 116 plays 0  

CON Basics of Qualtrics

From  conaiss College of Nursing AISS 54 plays 0  

Hemp Webinar - Anderson

Calls and emails continue to come in to MSU Extension offices throughout the state from people looking for general information about industrial hemp as well as recommendations on numerous topics from…

From  Eric Anderson 232 plays

CON Basics of Spartan365 and OneDrive

From  conaiss College of Nursing AISS 33 plays 0  

CON Basics of Google Suite and Google Drive

From  conaiss College of Nursing AISS 85 plays 0  

VM 529-D1R5- Ultrasound basics for the urinary system

Captions edited by Ioana Sonea April 2023

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 727 plays 0  

VM 520-Acid-base balance: the basics (2021-22)

From  Susan Ewart 957 plays 0  

Chicago Manual of Style Citation (17th Ed.)

How to cite books and periodical articles using the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. Created August 2018

From  infolit Information Literacy Department 756 plays 0