Search for tag: "collection development (libraries)"


Emilee Mathews shows the Worldwide website and talks about their approval plan options and how to search for materials on their website. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons…

From  Meredith Hale 2 plays 0  

Collecting for the Region and the Field

Emilee Mathews discusses collection development philosophies, focusing on collecting for the region and the field. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…

From  Meredith Hale 4 plays 0  

Collection for the Curriculum, Reseach Areas

Emilee Mathews discusses collection development philosophies, focusing on collecting for curriculum and research area. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…

From  Meredith Hale 8 plays 0  

Budget Basics

Emilee Mathews provides a basic overview of budgeting for collection development. This recording is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license…

From  Meredith Hale 1 plays 0  

Interview with Laura Schwartz

Interview with Laura Schwartz, formerly arts librarian at University of Calfironia San Diego, conducted in 2017. She discusses similarities and differences of various academic libraries and…

From  Meredith Hale 5 plays 0  

ArLiSNAP VREPS 2022 Virtual Conference: Fresh Eyes

Following the success of the inaugural Fresh Eyes session during our last virtual conference, we are bringing the Fresh Eyes session back. Students and emerging professionals have the opportunity to…

From  Meredith Hale 14 plays 0  

Know Their Names: Case Studies in DEIA Collection Development Assessment, Expansion, and Access

This session took place on April 6, 2022, as part of the ARLIS/NA 50th Annual Conference in Chicago. It was moderated by Nick Curotto. Jared Ash and Daisy Paul present "Black Artists Matter:…

From  Meredith Hale 55 plays 0  

Thinking Globally Acting Locally: Increasing Access to a Wider Range of Diverse Materials

This session discusses collection development strategies that aim to diversify and provide better access to library collections. It took place on April 6, 2022, as part of the ARLIS/NA 50th Annual…

From  Meredith Hale 21 plays 0  

Auction Catalogues in Museum Libraries: A Survey

Sybille Hentze's presentation from June 2, 2014 discusses the work of the Albertina in Vienna to collect auction catalogs. The speaker argues for the value of printed catalogs and suggests…

From  Meredith Hale 4 plays 0  

Fashion and Textiles Collection Development, Stitch by Stitch

Does your institution serve fashion and textiles researchers? Then don't miss this webinar, which will examine resources and strategies for developing collections in this specialized subject…

From  Meredith Hale 6 plays 0