Search for tag: "health"
Addressing Pain, Sleep, and Opioid Misuse in Rural Michigan Through Health EducationThis video explores the connections between pain, sleep, and opioid misuse in rural Michigan communities.Objectives:Introduce Michigan State University Extension. Identify key information about…
From Tanner Derror
14 plays
WorkLife Wellbeing Series: Building Resilience to Avoid BurnoutBuild your resiliency to avoid burnout by boosting your protective factors such as having caring and supportive people in your life. The goal of this workshop is to learn to recognize the symptoms of…
From Rachel Perez
8 plays
After TraumaDr. Farha Abbasi discusses the topic of differentiating mental illness and mental health and the role of cultural psychiatry and trauma-informed practice.
From Mar Dunstone
10 plays
Achieving Peak Mental Health and Optimal Performance at MSUCOMNote: The video is dark for the first 45 seconds, but the audio works the entire time. Achieving Peak Mental Health and Optimal Performance SeminarModerator: Jacquelyn Charbel, D.O., FACOS,…
From Crissy Hodges-Chakrani
14 plays
Understanding and Enhancing Grapevine Cold ResilienceEver wondered how grapevines survive winter? ❄️ This video dives into the science of grapevine cold resilience! You'll learn: Where vinefera grape came from Why cold hardiness is so…
From Esmaeil Nasrollahiazar
2 plays
MSU MPH Virtual Information Webinar 04/18/24What is Public Health? Making communities safe and healthy is public health’s top priority. During National Public Health Week, our faculty penned this piece that talks about what public…
From Keosha Corder
22 plays
New Voices in the Profession, 2024 ARLIS/NA ConferenceReturning for its eighteenth year, New Voices in the Profession provides professionals new to art librarianship or visual resources the opportunity to present topics from exceptional coursework, such…
From Meredith Hale
12 plays
boutros, ape practicum presentation Spring 2024A holistic proactive lifestyle modifying approach to address improve and prevent oral health disease utilizing a nutrition and behavioral intervention in Flint Michigan, a food swamp. This was…
From Andre Boutros
7 plays
MSU Master of Public Health Virtual Information Webinar_Final CopyOur fully online master’s degree offers: 100% online curriculum: work while pursuing your degree Competitive tuition: in-state tuition for all students Personalized mentoring from…
From Keosha Corder
1 plays
Module 4 Lecture Financing and budgeting for public health agencies and programsModule 4 Lecture Financing and budgeting for public health agencies and programs
From Lydia Merritt
60 plays