01:59duration 1 minute 59 seconds
PH861 Module 3 -Introduction
03:14duration 3 minutes 14 seconds
PH861 Module 4 -Introduction
01:15:53duration 1 hour 15 minutes
2008 Rachel Carson Lecture by Peter Raven
The 2008 Rachel Carson Lecture, "Biodiversity, Sustainability and the Future" was delivered by Peter Raven on May 1, 2008 at the Radiology Auditorium on the Michigan State University…
02:52duration 2 minutes 52 seconds
Module 5 Introduction
03:31duration 3 minutes 31 seconds
PH861 Module 2 Introduction
12:21duration 12 minutes 21 seconds
Intro (and syllabus highlights)
09:44duration 9 minutes 44 seconds
Module 14 Lecture
Module 14 Intro
02:11duration 2 minutes 11 seconds
PH 843 Introduction to module 1
14:31duration 14 minutes 31 seconds
GEO331: Lecture 1A. Canada’s Federal…
GEO331: Lecture 1A. Canada’s Federal Government: The Capital, Structure, & Roles: The Sovereign & The Governor General
07:32duration 7 minutes 32 seconds
GEO331: Lecture 1B. Canada’s Federal…
GEO331: Lecture 1B. Canada’s Federal Government: Roles: The Prime Minister
03:57duration 3 minutes 57 seconds
PH 843 Module 3 Introduction
13:10duration 13 minutes 10 seconds
GEO331: 1A. State Formation: The Confederation of…
GEO331: 1A. State Formation: The Confederation of Canada (I): Conferences: Charlottetown & Québec
13:48duration 13 minutes 48 seconds
GEO331: 2C. Immigration: Early Immigration:…
GEO331: 2C. Immigration: Early Immigration: Eastern Europe
16:38duration 16 minutes 38 seconds
GEO331: 2B. The Fur Trade: The Beaver & The…
GEO331: 2B. The Fur Trade: The Beaver & The Modern Fur Trade
11:15duration 11 minutes 15 seconds
GEO331: 1B. European Settlement: Warfare