Search for tag: "paragraph"
CAS206-TabChartThis is a video tutorial for CAS 206 demonstrating how to create a tab chart using Adobe Illustrator.
From Richard Epps
111 plays
CAS206-LineChartThis is a video tutorial for CAS 206 that demonstrates how to create a line chart, also called a fever chart, in Adobe Illustrator.
From Richard Epps
172 plays
CAS111-Assignment6-Part1This is Part 1 of the video tutorials on how to create a bar chart in Adobe Illustrator for CAS 111.
From Richard Epps
674 plays
CAS111.Assignment2This is the video for Assignment 2 in CAS 111. It covers new InDesign skills.
From Richard Epps
435 plays
CAS111.Assignment1.Part3This is the third of three videos that cover the Assignment 1 content in CAS 111. These three videos cover InDesign skills.
From Richard Epps
577 plays
CAS111.Assignment1.Part2This is the second of the three videos that covers Assignment 1 in CAS 111. The three videos cover InDesign skills.
From Richard Epps
741 plays
CAS111-Assignment1.Part1This is the first of three videos for Assignment 1 in CAS 111. This video covers introductory InDesign skills.
From Richard Epps
1,083 plays
First Draft TipsIn this lecture I provide some tips for writing your first drafts, and I also go over how to locate the feedback on your progress reports, and how to get books delivered to you from the library, or…
From Ronen Steinberg
29 plays